
Surely if you haven't worn it for 6 months, it doesn't fit, and your not keeping it for sentimental reasons then you should donate or toss it. The chart says that if it is also torn broken or stained and you fix it then hang it. But it will still won't fit. Unless that is part of the fix.

I agree it's a good scene, and not the only one, but then you have the flashback when a regular ass rat in a bird cage is becoming a karate master by imitation.

Rewatched this movie a few months ago with my wife, and had a blast doing it. There are times when what we remember as good is just nostalgia, and there are times where something is just legitimately good. The basic theme throughout the entire movie was family, and they got it done right. You have Shredder's gang

I believe it's counting the pair you're wearing that first day. So five pair for five days if you look at it that way :P Also, you never know when tragedy will strike...

I'm such a snob. I immediately read the spines and was unimpressed with the selection.

Get ready for $7 versions at the Container Store...if they're not there already.

I don't like changing the name of characters that are already a predefined "character". Link, Ryu from Breath of Fire, Tidus, I can't change the name of because it's weird. They have a life and stuff that's not mine, so why should I change their name to mine?

As a kid born in the 80's, this was my mistake.

True, but Mara Jade and Revan are still humanoid characters so they are more grounded in the real world and real fabrics that have been used in the movies. Now if you are judging a puppet like a ysalamiri to go with a Thrawn costume I think you would give the fabricator a little room for interpretation.

Holy crap, people. I'd hate to give you constructive criticism.

See they're doin it right, if you like a game and the people who make it are cool, you'll feel like a dick for not buying it.

You need more friends. =[

New Teen Girl Squad or else everyone dies.

This is the kickstarter(if they were to do one) that I would get behind.

Wow it takes me a hour to Make the guy.

Because it's a fictional character, so real science can't entirely prove it?

How about skip buying ice cream then so you can save for the future?

Or, for a franchise that actually makes money, Pokemon Snap.

> "Make a Cheap Ice Cream Cake in Five Minutes"
> "at least two hours to set"

Eventually, you will. I haven't gotten to it yet. I collected a lot of notes for it, but, problematically, many of the critiques of Sarkeesian's work are full of ad hominem attacks, skepticism about her fundraising, and other issues that distract from criticism of the substance and accuracy of her arguments.