
That brings back memories of helping some friends run a BBS back in the early to mid 90s. Their apartment was always dark and smoke-filled. Empty liter bottles of Jolt cola littered any area where cigarette ash did not.

You mean you didn't go back to attend college at Clarkson? :P

No, Canton NY. So close to Canada you can smell the poutine and Kraft Dinner on the wind.

Ogdensburg? Holy crap. That's the middle of NOWHERE. My mom's side of the family is from Canton, which is just as close to the middle of nowhere.

Not to mention the annoying duplication of said comments.

I'm thinking I might just play something obviously non-committal like Soul Calibur V until I have time to devote to the likes of Skyrim. As it is, when I'm playing a game (recently went through Bioshock Infinite) the time between sessions can be great enough where I don't remember the controls.

That is quite unfortunate. I'm sorry you get screwed so badly!

Well... that whole blown to bits by Manhattan thing was greatly exaggerated. :)

I have only experienced that with American Express. All other credit cards that I've used (Visa, MasterCard) have never asked for a ZIP code.

Sony announced the discontinuation of the PlayStation 2 after 13 years of production, so I don't think the PS3 has much to worry about.

Disappointing for me, as I'm the occasional multiplayer. Games like RDR that have a "realtime" MP aspect - of that wasn't free, I wouldn't bother, and that disappoints me because now it feels like I would be getting less for my money when I purchase games like that.

I'm still hoping to find the game used somewhere for less than $30. Wait, let me restate that: less than $10.

Free time became the shortest when my daughter was born. These days I have a VERY narrow window of 1 hour immediately after work where I can fire up the PS3. I'm now trudging through The Last Of Us, roughly 40 minutes about once or twice a week. Money's too tight for me to buy other games so I have to mine the backlog.

I just can't find that starting point. I get frustrated with how difficult exercise is for me to do. Whether it's the physical aspect or the time management, something makes me quit after only one or two attempts. I am pretty sure that I'm setting myself up for failure by setting huge overall goals and forgetting

My second play through of ADR is going on now and I had one of those rare occurrences where people DO NOT move into your village right away. It was a good 15-20 minutes before "A convoy lurches in, equal parts worry and hope" was displayed and my village became nearly full in one shot.

In a perfect world, people would act appropriately. Until then, bodyguard/wingman needed.

Sounds like female game journalists need either a bodyguard or a wingman.

From this list I have:

Looking forward to this game, though I don't know how the hell I'm going to play it. The PS3 is very centrally located in my house and my wife is a light sleeper.

I can't stand when someone parts out an age in months past 1 year. 18 months is 1 1/2. "Weeks" for the first 3 months then "months/weeks" until 1 year, "1 Year & x Months" or fractions (quarters) until 2, then only fractions will be the half until 10 is how I'm doing it. I'll also "round up" the age if we're close