Fair enough, but the 3DS is a fair bit different than an NES controller, heavier, and has shoulder buttons etc.
Fair enough, but the 3DS is a fair bit different than an NES controller, heavier, and has shoulder buttons etc.
Oh nice. I’m guessing that might not apply to the controllers he’s talking about might be the 2.4 ghz ones. Sadly their adaptor does support those apparently.
A somewhat related comment, I've never had a problem with hand cramps. How do people hold these things that they get hand cramps?
8bitdo has a switch adaptor. Should work with all their controllers. Might be worth checking out.
Eneloops. You will never want another brand of rechargeable batteries. They last much longer than any other brand and the play and charge kit, and much, much longer than my PS4 controller. And I’d much rather just be able to swap out my batteries than have to tether myself to my console; I legit miss the battery…
I’ve played all the way through Mario World on mine, as well as DKC which I never finished on the original. Playing through Yoshis island for the first time as well.
You stopped role playing when you referenced her in an out of game context in a outside the game in a sexist manner you fucking twat waffle.
This person is a crack head.
So you will continue to be a POS that only thinks of themselves and has a sense of entitlement.
Well maybe the PS3 in general wasn’t the worst, but Sony hardware has been crap in general for years. The failure rate on the PSX and PS2, mainly the disc drive, was abysmal...but most people seem to look at those two consoles with rose colored glasses. If MS had had those kinds of failure rates for two generations…
I’d say yes and no. More precision weapons are useful with pilots that have high gunnary skills and if you use your moral and call a precision shot. The further on you go on the game, the more often I can pull off taking out a leg in one alpha, especially with something like a gauss rifle.
I get all that, but there’s a definite group of people who just want everything that is going to be in the game to be on the disc and never have anything added, ever.
Yeah, I’d be down with that.
They do have use some of those mechs, they’ve tweaked the design is all. Honestly I prefer the models that Piranha gave them to use, MWO has a great astetic.
I really like this concept, but I wish it had more than just cities. Zelda maps, Elder Scrolls, Witcher, etc.
It’s a garbage metric by which to judge the value of a game and its a pox in the gaming community. If you only care about how many hours your game is supposed to last then you’re not gaming for the right reason.
It may just be an issue with the TV. I’ve noticed that cheaper TV have more issues connecting to a computer.
No value? The subscription is how you get the classic games now. And paid for cloud saves have been a thing on PlayStation since the PS3, where was your outrage then? Or when Playstation put online gameplay behind a pay wall?
I’ve gotten about as many one shot head shots as the AI so far.
If you look at missile weapons N your own mechs it gives a damage number and then in parentheses a multiply by X, so I think it still does it in chunks.