A dog on leather is asking to have holes and abrasions. Also, I doubt the crap that kids fling around is good for leather either.
A dog on leather is asking to have holes and abrasions. Also, I doubt the crap that kids fling around is good for leather either.
Responsible adults will teach their children about games from 90's before exposing them to the mind numbingness of modern gaming.
I think I’m slowly turning my wife to my side. She was more eager to buy our Civic Si than I was. We even talked about the type R and the focus RS.
Holy shit. That’s an amazingly accurate comment.
$70 back in the day? If I had the job then that I do now...
I’m not getting technical, I’m just being specific. And to be fair I was running under the assumption that you were attempting to posit that using a firearm doesn’t mean you need to use deadly force and that I could instead use it to simply scare people off with it.
In answer to the question on your Facebook page, In 2001 they pulled the Civic badge off of it and slapped on a new one that says “Fit.”
You didn’t say you “shoot at someone”, you said “fire shots.”
So...like....I can just drop one of these in my Fit, right?
If you just start firing shots , at no one, they’re not exactly going to think you’re serious and realize you don’t want to kill anyone and take advantage of that.
When I went to install it, it gave me the option of using a legit install if I already had it installed. I didn’t, so I used their download, but I’m pretty sure their launcher can automate the install of a patch. It shouldn’t be that hard to make an installer that will patch the game for use with their servers. I…
You’re right, which is why if it’s real life and you against three, a gun probably isn’t going to be enough to save you.
That’s a terrible fallacy, guns are not the only way to defend yourself. And not everyone lives in a part of the country where there’s a likelihood of being mugged.
“please stop distributing copies of our game clients and using our trademarks, logos, and artwork on your sites.”
Because not everyone is so eager to retaliate with deadly force.
I’m talking about the people who think that the entire game should be released once. They want everything in one package, no DLC, because they don’t feel they should spend more money to play more story.
But they don’t. There are people who feel that any DLC that comes afterward as a bad thing because they MUST but it to finish the story. They just want a complete game right away and even story DLC is an affront. And these people use SNES games as an example of when games were complete at launch, so it’s not old…
I’d believe that if people didn’t bring up SNES games as an example of a time when games were complete at launch. The truth is, a lot of people get pissed when there is DLC of any kind. They want to pay for the game ONCE and get everything, period.
Oh, and use the on ramp to get up to freeway speed. I don’t want to be going 35 by the time the onramp is finished and have a damn semi bearing down on me that’s going 60.
If there are no cars behind me, then you don’t need to force your way between me and the car in front of me, slow the fuck down and get behind me.