
I can empathize, and fees should be changed to reflect a more appropriate punishment based on income because the point of these laws is keep you from making stupid decisions that could result in the bodily harm of yourself and others, and that’s their only reason for being laws. These laws can be just as effective as

This is talking about a traffic fee, an a set and arbitrary amount of money, not how much a commodity or good costs to produce; these two things aren’t even on the same level.

You’re right but...dude, her seatbelt, she wasn’t wearing her fucking seatbelt. That’s like, the most moronic thing you could do and then get caught for it. Seriously, there are times where if you just do what you’re supposed to you’ll be ok, like wearing your seatbelt...also, it’ll keep you from dying in many common

Yeah, returning a disc that was probably stolen from them...real selfish. And considering how well Blizzard treats their customers, I’m not sure what the point of screwing them over would be.

There wouldn’t be any reason for the key battery dying because the car cups probably warn you well ahead of time what the battery level in m of the key is.

I’m sure keys have enough water resistance to put up with coke, and there’s no reason it has to be a sudden engine cut off; for example it could leave power steering intact and slowly decrease power.

The amiibo are the cost of the DLC. Granted you get a figure as well but...

That makes a lot more sense.

That seems really stupid. And seems like a simple way to stop this from happening.

My friend owns a Evo X, I asked him once what happens when someone drives away when he has the key in his pocket. I seem to remember him telling me the car simply shut off when it got out of range. If that’s the case in his car I’m surprised it’s not here, would seem to be a prudent move to keep people from using this

I was referencing this bit where they’re making it seem like the team had actually decoded something. I realize that it’s otherwise just a relay.

Are these signals not encrypted? And don’t cars with this generally stop once out of range of the key?

Really didn’t live up to the hype.

Why the flying fuck wasn’t this a bundle to begin with? The pre order bundles were garbage.

Why the flying fuck wasn’t this a bundle to begin with? The pre order bundles were garbage.

The first Bad Company single player was equally awesome.

Um, I think you’re in the minority on that because most reviews thought the single player was great, and most everyone I’ve seen post about the game thought it was great. Same with the multiplayer, I’ve heard nothing but praise. And I don’t consider what they offered lacking in content, you’re the first person I’ve

I don’t know what single player you played, but that shit was awful. It was just multiplayer against bots with some really bad voice acting trying to tie together the different stages. Like,  holy hell it was lame.

That’s because some people are idiots.

I want to know what that honeybee snes controller was like.

And notice how most of these are games from PSX or earlier. Modem JRPGs man...