
Yeah, there’s nothing that makes women turn off like musicians (major record deal doesn’t hurt but is not necessary).

I’m sorry you are uhhhhh....incorrect!! It’s freaking Jeff Goldblum! LOL.

I prefer the term “cat” myself. Back when I worked at a music school, the longtime jazz sax instructor always referred to fellow jazz musicians as “cats”; everyone else was just “folks.”


A garment fitting well and fitting tightly are not synonymous. I too think that Meghan Markel’s dress looked ill-fitting but not because it wasn’t “tight.”

They forgot human tampon.

It’s wedding tailgating.

I think it goes deeper than that.

I’ve watched CNN on NYE for years (I’m a real party animal, also kids). The last year that Kathy hosted with Anderson, he hated her. As the night wore on, he was openly disdainful and no longer amused by her. This year with Andy Cohen (I actually went to a party this year and watched in the hotel before heading out)

I endorse Jezebel’s endorsement. Pine FTW.

Friends! We are only weakening ourselves by quibbling!

This is Jeff Lewis in an alternate universe.

Can we just stop for a moment and acknowledge that he (allegedly) told Daniels that she reminded him of his daughter?

If people vote on the issue of gun control instead of abortion or immigration, the political landscape will be very different come 2019. Here’s hoping this issue stands front and centre during the election. I hope the media reads this and takes note. They failed America in their coverage of 2016. Now they myst redeem

I really hope people take these accusations seriously, and not dismiss them because they think Seacrest is actually gay. He’s probably not, the only thing he seems to be hiding is his abuse of women.

At the very least, Nevada is a medically and recreationally legalized state, so some of the best medicine for her (CBD-dominant strains and derived products, in particular, as it’s a non-psychoactive, pain-killing cannabinoid which has gained visibility in the past decade or so) will be legal for her to hold and take,

I think it’s red.

Elon Musk looks very cold and clammy.

I am ten thousand percent unsurprised that in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario, people start throwing their hands in the air and going “fuck it.”