
Corey Haim wasn’t in Stand By Me.

Stopped reading at ‘Unfrosted’.

Any person foolish enough to throw away their vote in such a way and be potentially complicit in the election of a crypto-fascist was never a real progressive. Just an angry and stubborn person looking for easy solutions to difficult questions. I’ve been a Bernie supporter since he announced, but you can bet your ass

Jesus, please don't do that.

Now playing

Wait what? Recess and Pepper Ann are what were waxing nostlaiga for? I came here for some Care Bears, Jem, My Little Pony (original), and those freaky claymation after these messages people:

Victim of what? Getting into an angry argument with your SO? There are no laws against being angry and breaking your own shit (since they were at a hotel, he did get in trouble). There are laws against hitting people. If you are telling me Johnny Depp isn’t a great person to date, sure, I’ll buy it. Instead, you

No it isn’t. It might be emotional abuse, but violence against furniture is not violence against your significant other.

Ignorance is not an excuse.

You might wanna reread. I did not say she was probaby lying. I asked if it was plausible.

I’ll probably get shit for pulling this out of the gray BUT:

I have a truly honest, non-trolling question.

Now playing

I liked it too! I can understand why other people didn’t though. It was an odd show. But it was a lot of fun and when they went live it just got better and and looser.

Holy shit those calves though.

Strahan said that he loved her after her little speech. If he loved her, he would have let her know what was going. Keeping your business partner in the dark is a dick move.


I love Anderson so much. The only thing that would have been better is if Anderson had burst out into his trademark giggles at Trump’s laughable “defense”.

as long as he looks at me the way he looked at BB-8

I love Diane Keaton. She didn’t try to be sexy or fierce in a sexy gown. She was herself. She just wore she likes to wear and smiled that warm smile of hers.

The chance to bang Oscar Isaac is enough for me to probably join in tho.

Hot. Mess. And no need for it. It annoyed the piss out of me in every scene she was in. And someone fed Patty Simcox amphetamines before they went on. She didn’t turn down until 2 1/2 hours in.