
I hope you end up in a city with no taxis, or a God-awful, "fuck you, unless you're taking a 60 dollar cab ride to the airport" company (hi, Pittsburgh). I truly do. Then you might realize that taxis are a fucking monopoly all over the country.

you're definitely warned. However, if you're drunk you could easily click through the warning too quickly

Seriously i don't know where you got the idea that urine isn't sterile. As a doctor i can tell you that finding bacteria in urine (that come straight out of the bladder) is a sign of infection or at least colonization (wich isn't normal either but can happen if you have frequent infections). The only reason urine

I pee in the shower every morning and there is neither a smell or a crust around the ring of the drain. In fact, I will hold off peeing until I am ready to shower so I can kill two birds with one stone. Are people peeing in your shower and not actually taking a shower? Because, yes, that's nasty.

Well, the dirt you are washing off isn't sterile either. I don't get why it is gross, unless your drain is clogged and you are letting yourself marinate in it, the pee immediately flows down the drain. You then clean yourself with soap, which also washes down the drain and boom, no needless flushing of a liquid with

I might get beat up over this but: The dick grabbing pics make him look like a tool. Not that good dick grabbing pics couldn't be done given the subject. It's just my opinion that these are posed unflatteringly. I laughed when I saw them. Was that the intended reaction? I'm old so I might be missing something.

Uh, this is weird. I mean it's just a little too try-hard. I can't put my finger on why it's annoying to me, but I'm not crazy about this obvious, aggressively-masculine "sexiness" that requires grabbing your junk. Paul Newman is about as aggressively masculine as I want to get.

Why are you looking for dates on OkCupid in the first place? Just curious. Did you really expect to find anything different?

There are risks with surgery no matter what the age or the health of the person. If this was a twenty year old woman that worked out every single day and was incredibly healthy, then it would be something to be angry about. But Joan was 81 years old and she had put herself through many unnecessary surgeries over the

I also support the police. At least the ones who aren't power tripping and/or killing people without cause.

(Quiet voice: I like them too, especially Ricky Gervais. That car commercial he does with his daughter where she's reading negative things about him on the Internet makes me laugh and I've seen it 1,000 times. "Ricky Gervais is a pig-faced troll!")

Sorry, I liked it. Maybe it's because Seth Myers is from my hometown, or maybe it's because Andy Samberg as a snivelling Joffrey made me pee my pants laughing. It wasn't Tina and Amy, but it wasn't bad.

Please, please, please don't put Bob Belcher in any TV ad.

Is she Rachel Ray?

Things flying over my head are also stressful. I should go lie down.

What actually bothers me more than that is the people who come after and mark the review as being useful or funny. NO IT ISN'T!

I looked him up and he ends every review with "Enjoy Suckas'!!!"

I'm wondering if Abe wrote a review for Revolution complaining that they didn't have Bud Light.

Too bad you couldn't warn them not to join the military.

Disagree. I assumed it was the killer and now have a mental image of him as such. OTOH, I'm never gonna meet him, so I'll just be mistrustful of everyone who looks anything like him.