

You bork-borked your bork to another's bork too many borkyborks.

The Swedish Chef explained the birds and bees to me, which is why I still don't understand how I got my four children.

Mostly for the same reason you've already stated: no unanimous agreement. When given so many options, jurors tend to individually assess, then sometimes overthink all of the evidence. So, one juror may refuse to vote anything other than first degree, a few others manslaughter, couple more 2nd degree and it results in

This wasn't a "Stand Your Ground" case. Yes, this bastard was claiming self-defense, but his defense did not seek immunity from prosecution. It's a small difference, but a difference nevertheless.

If you go for second-degree murder there is a six-person jury and not a 12-person jury. You see how that worked out in the George Zimmerman case. A couple of strong personalities can sway the other four. That's not so likely when you've got 12 people deliberating.

You may not know it, but in Florida (unlike some other US states) when a prosecutor charges someone with first-degree murder the jury can automatically consider the lesser included charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter. It's likely that this jury believed Dunn killed Jordan Davis, (since they had no

It's not THE point, but I believe that it's an important point. He's at least being punished for something here. He can be retried for murdering Jordan Davis (unlike George Zimmerman, who gets to live free) and he's going to jail for the rest of his natural life. Not a great outcome, but it could be worse. Much worse.

Unfortunately sometimes it doesn't matter if you have no risk factors. A friend of mine died from a blood clot at age 26. Her doctor even said that it was the birth control pill that had caused the blood clot, but by the time that had been figured out, she was being rushed to the hospital.

Which is why she said "I think the pill is great for those who don't have many sustained side-affects."

*clap* I agree.

You're still talking about her. She's the eternal provocateur.

Jesus, imagine having less common sense than a guy named Scooter.

Honestly they don't give new people a lot of air time at first. They gradually work them in more. She still got more time than Brooks Wheelan!

I don't disagree completely, but there are ways to do this other than taking matters into one's own hands.

It might have been affecting real estate prices, which are needed to support the economy, which is needed to collect more taxes, which are needed to make traffic improvements, which are needed to put up signs that save the lives of 12 year-old boys crossing the street.

So the couple who made the initial rude decision gets to make "everyone else" who didn't make a rude decision "put up with it?"

It was just a self-effacing joke. If THAT sets off your 'inappropriate' alarm, you must be a very sensitive person.

I'm pretty sick of Jennifer Lawrence. I could give two damns about another fresh off the farm white American woman. Shit's played.