Why do artists make fragrances? They take generic florals of cheap perfumes, slap an artist's name on it, making a killing. At least this one is a jab against this norm. Might actually smell like Gaga too.

@crazypills77: I doubt they would release the second version so soon. Everyone just dropped all their money on 1st gen iPads over the holidays.

What if I am running an app that utilizes 4 or 5 finger gestures? Will these be automatically disables?

@crazypills77: Because having nice things now prevents us from having nicer things in the near future.

@Jomi294: I prefer the "alt-tab" that switches between windows, ordered by most recent. Unfortunately, there's nothing quite like it on OSX, that I know of.

The expose like feature got me excited until I remembered how much I dislike it. Can't macs have an alt-tab like windows? I'm sick of "command-tab command-tab command-` command-`" to get to the one I want.

@albokay: I didn't say anything about the glasses. They are completely unnecessary and the only time I could envision someone wearing them is at a concert.

@albokay: Who gave this man a star?

@MontrealGrilledSteak: Talent and creativity in a mainstream artist. Appreciate it; it's rare.

Why are the New Pornographers and the Barenaked Ladies blacklisted?

The depth in 28 is amazing

@CaffineFreakUs: I'd say quite the opposite. Graphing calculators are not allowed on exams and professors frown against their use because you'll need to know how to get by on the exam without them.

The lock screen is amazing.

This really isn't surprising. Verizon has been pushing Android a lot and RIM hasn't really released much on Verizon in their decline. Rehashed Curves and Bolds won't boost sales like the Droid did for Motorola. Seems to me RIM is focusing on the PlayBook OS and its eventual arrival to BlackBerry devices.

Short answer: "Jes!"

Seems like a terrible live blog. They didn't post full text, just small snip-its and crude summaries. Combine that with Mike avoiding the questions and talking about whatever he pleased and you get what seems to be a bad interview. We'll have to wait for the video version to figure out what he really said but sitting

@scarbrtj: Turns out that nearest black hole is 15 times further than thought, some 24000 light years away

@bjmckenna: Considering that a Blackhole will distort light around it, how would we communicate with the probe? Seems like the blackhole would distort any signal it tries to send back.

@bizzo98: The robots are. They don't like to throw out their grandparents.