
I also don’t agree with the idea that my talking about my own uterus without adding an aside that uterus does not equal woman is an act of erasure. Talking about my own body doesn’t erase anyone, or mean I’m against trans rights. The kids on tumblr are EMPHATIC that women like me must always refer to themselves a

I have no idea why liberals/progressives are able to talk about emotional labor, about living in a misogynistic and male-dominated society, about the exploitation of workers, particularly women, about the evils of massive, largely unregulated, insular industries, ABOUT RAPE AND ABUSE CULTURE all the time, all over the

It’s a major victory for the porn industry that pornography is seen as normal and something “all guys use.” At the same time there is also this stigma of shame and condemnation, almost exclusively directed at the actresses.

Why? People say the same shit when erotica for women is created, that somehow only men are interested in sexy stuff. Not everything is made for men.

But when you’re young and pretty, male friendships are easy because they’re effortless. Everything you do and say (I guess short of punching some guy in balls) is great. Female friendships don’t allow you to live in that bullshit bubble, you’re expected to contribute something to relationship other than a pretty face

You already knew someone who thinks they’re clever was gonna make a comment like this. It’s 75 degrees in LA today. I’m going to enjoy myself.

It’s infuriating. Even the most ~PC~, liberal, open-minded people, when it comes to women’s issues, clamp up and plug their ears. Have we really not come further than this?

Kindly read the 4,000+ word history I just spent months writing explaining why that is a gross oversimplification before you comment.

Or, Later William/The Man in Black did want to hurt Dolores because he had this earlier transcendent experience with her that originally made him not want to marry his intended back home — or maybe even to go home at all — and then he realized that Dolores is actually not real — had it shoved in his face in a way he

Not all journalists are white.

“WTF kinda world do we live in where this shit right here gets attention.”


The attitude of the family towards the boys vs the girl really highlights the attitude that led to and enabled her sexual abuse in the first place. In their eyes the basic concerns of the little girl, including her physical safety, are utterly unimportant. The interests of the boys and even the vile prurient interests

1. My friend is not a snowflake. She’s currently dying of cancer and kicking ass dealing with it.


Oh I must have missed the part where Turmp declares his intention to grab her by her inner goddess

The roaring 20s: great fashion, drinks, music, parties, art, expats! Minus the bad casting in all Great Gatsby’s (although Young Robert Redford is gorgeous, just not very right for that part).

Id rather visit a theme park filled with robots who know how to use turn signals, dont bring hot food on public transportation and never piss on the seat.

The woods that Trump will open up to deforestation and fracking?

Seriously, Leonore is 2 1/2. I’m sure she is up and ready to go early. And also, can we please remember that while Swedes have amazing English, some phrasing might not be 100% the same (I know, my family is Swedish and there are some little quirks when they speak English). I think she probably meant she wakes up