You could likely make an case for the mechanical coupling aspect, but you’d still fail to meet the 9" clearance requirement. As Hammerhead mentions, lack of gearing would make it an academic argument regardless.
You could likely make an case for the mechanical coupling aspect, but you’d still fail to meet the 9" clearance requirement. As Hammerhead mentions, lack of gearing would make it an academic argument regardless.
This is unrelated to the Crosstrek at the heart of the original Reddit post, but I’ve always been keen on the dual range boxes found in some Australian spec Subarus. Legitimately cool stuff.
That’s the crucial part about this, and why I can’t really find fault with what may at first blush seem to be overzealous enforcement. For every driver who knows their vehicle and is capable of taking it through difficult terrain in an intelligent manner, there are hundreds of people who won’t contribute the same…
*Door grab handle thing, can’t edit or it’ll kill the video embed
As someone who owns both a Samurai and a Fiesta ST, this video speaks to me.
They’re frequent enough that they have an entire category known as “park outside” recalls. Kia, Chevrolet, RAM, Lincoln, Mazda, BMW... pretty much all manufacturers have issued one at some point. The vast majority are traditional ICE vehicles. Battery positive terminal vs hood is a pretty common one.
A minor difference in camber or toe-in adjustment can result in wildly different handling, too. Their Miata may have just needed a minor alignment. There are so many variables when it comes to vehicle compliance.
Is your Slack channel down
So awful. :(
I like to imagine that this car was gently placed all the way up there on that curb with a crane.
There’s no one left.
2023 was a pretty bad year for this guy; there were also multiple court case judgments against him to the tune of about $50k from what I assume are credit card companies (Citi Bank, Discover, etc). Sounds like he finally lost his shit.
Well that’s just a waste of a good plane.
The Autopian is a phenomenal site, and their success is well deserved.
As a stopgap, I blocked the entire domain; an error message is easier to deal with than a page load, but it’s costing Jalopnik readers. I don’t know if that’s the goal or not at this point. Maybe someone’s angling for a cheaper buyout option.
These will be unobtanium. They’re as much truck as most truck buyers need, and the main reason a lot of people held out was the lack of AWD + hybrid combo. This essentially opens the order books for the snow belt.
I genuinely feel bad for the powertrain engineers who worked on these things. There’s a lot of great tech there, wrapped in stainless steel garbage.
Japan is pretty aggressive about bicycle regulations, to a degree which baffles me. They’re treated as vehicles under most of the regulations in place, and there are penalties and fines for not wearing a helmet, riding aggressively, following traffic too close or failing to yield to automobiles. Licenses are required…
Oh my gosh, look at the little key fob, it’s adorable.