

Also, since this question pops up on the site about once every year, there were plenty of previous articles to browse through. One from a while back caught my eye with the comment count. Ahh, the good ol’ days.

Ok, we just did this, though.

Now, Scheffler is facing charges of second-degree assault of a police officer [...]

Skeffles dismissed my reply, so I’m posting it here. I hope their day gets better.

People can be fully capable of using a bicycle to get around town, yet still have difficulty with navigating steep grades. This is especially true for typical city bikes, which have narrow and limited gearing, designed for flat streets.

From the ship’s perspective, it is being operated as it normally would be under power in the open ocean. The only difference is having fewer marine mammals around to accidentally run over. Perhaps a small reduction in the number of nearby pirates.

Yeah, even with context it’s a complete dud of a zinger, though, as the crew were never the subject of that hastily zip-tied straw man. They were going after the dock officials with the diversity nonsense. I get where she was coming from, but that could have been left out of the post. 

Yes, but a large part of that is being able to keep revs and turbo pressure up so it can effectively stay in the power band off of the line. Gaps in timing between 0-60 and 5-60 are always* going to be a deficit for a turbo drivetrain.

I’d assume they’re using the integrated accelerometers to sense and apply the directional cue, no reason to need a connection to anything else.

The car is a fucking dork and I love it.

I just can’t get past how... doughy they look. The high waistline makes the wheels look small and robs the vehicle of an aggressive stance.

Water always wins.

Let’s not neglect to acknowledge passers-by, now.

Put them each inside increasingly large firearms, obviously.

Instead, it appears thieves are targeting cars specifically for the guns they may have inside.

I will take that as a yes. That’s unfortunate.

Bad take. Also, did you dismiss my earlier reply?

the fuck