
There were also two Arctic Trucks support vehicles with them, for, well, support. They aided with breaking trail, tow recoveries and charging the Nissan as needed if the panels, turbine or generator wasn’t doing the trick. For the Northern leg, they used two diesel F-350 6x6 trucks, but for the Antarctic portion they

I love how the embedded links to “Arctic Trucks” and “39-Inch Tires” go to some random slideshow about Burning Man and a Ford Bronco chassis breakdown.

Hot Potato

It’s extremely stupid, but still not nearly as bad as the G/O network-wide crutch of punctuating cold take headlines with “, actually.”

I kind of want to buy one of the long-boi wipers just so I can mount it on a plaque on a wall, like some sort of sad, taxidermied Marlin.

I’m glad that we’ve at least moved on past the jellybean Ford era.

Minor, but important correction. Death Stranding was first released in November of 2019, not 2020.

Now do cruise ships.

Takes 1.3 seconds to hit that switch, and they failed to do so. They deserved the PIT.

I am disappointed that you did not immediately commit grand theft auto.

This car would absolutely have sold for near their asking price just in part-out potential only a few years ago.

I take it back! The paint is that thick.

I don’t think the red paint is that thick.

subscribe bendybusfacts

Geez, you dumdum, it’s easy! Click the picture you uploaded and it says right on the bottom!

My warm take is that audio design should have gone to Dead Space, despite being a remake. They went above and beyond in overhauling the already award winning framework of the original, and playing that game on a good surround sound setup or quality headphones is absolutely visceral. Even discounting the viscera!

I was gunning for Dredge. Lovely chaps behind it, and it was a fun, creative game that knew when to tie things up.

Self addendum: There have also been other more identity focused projects, like those from Peter Gabriel (Xplora1, EVE), David Bowie (Jump) and Prince (Prince [symbol] Interactive), but I think they were just asking about traditional games.