He’s absolutely screwed, and no pro bono lawyer will touch his case with a 3.048 meter pole.
Exactly. Improperly secured.
I ended up switching to the scanner view for a lot of the office/lab style interiors, since it was physically less strain than trying to find endless white datapads on white countertops and white desks. At least if there’s an object present, it will provide an outline, which is particularly helpful if the area is dark…
They had an editor. Then they didn’t have an editor, then later they again had that same editor, sans editing.
Sell both and replace them with a grand tourer convertible van.
Not my picture, but you all get the idea. I genuinely don’t even care what’s on ‘em or who you vote for. Stop turning trucks into clotheslines or schooners.
I run into this all the friggin’ time. It’s almost always a diesel truck. Not necessarily a bro truck, but old, new, doesn’t matter. There are a lot of fairly long, two lane 55MPH rated roads around where I live, so it’s a near-daily occurance. They creep off the line, take a minute or two to get up to 50MPH and then…
My brother briefly owned a more refined 1983 Subaru GL and that thing was a blast to drive in the winter. They ride like little trucks.
Or a small array of modular power packs, like those power banks which use the tool batteries.
It’s out drinking with 12oz Mouse.
Ah, yes, the highly unfortunate Wilford Brimley / Baleen whale phase for Lincoln.
Buick Rendezvous. Just looking at the first gen makes me physically angry, like some sort of reptillian fight or flight response. Kill them all with fire.
Stansted is seeing a lot of action this week. The aircraft collision with a ground crew truck (which then just... went back to it, passing behind the engines) a few dozen yards from the terminal a few days ago also happened there.
We’re so close!
Oh man, that silhouette is just begging for some light NSFW Sharpie editing.
Hakkas are life.
Minor, but quite important correction. The battery in this bike is not 350 kWh, it’s Mahle’s 236wH model.
They’re cyclocross bikes. Some models do have further, increased clearance beyond typical 36-42mm cyclocross profile tires, up to ~60mm or so. We’re basically talking MTB tires at that point (~2.25-2.5"), but most still target around 42mm.