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Quoting that line without a link to a clip of it is criminal! Criminal, I say!

Someone at the airline saw the classic satirical Onion headline and thought “Yes. This is what we will strive for.”

A lot of posts end up with comment counts in the single digits (or none at all!), something that never used to happen. The ones which gain any sort of activity beyond that are the spicy takes which energize troll accounts, who then bait readers into participating. It’s depressing.

Yes, the chatter slider was part of the day one patch.

Exactly my thought! I saw it in the top screencap and immediately read through for the inevitable deep dive, but nobody even noticed.

No one will see this because Kinja has decided I no longer exist, but it appears that progress will not carry over, as suggested.

This would be a perfect opportunity for some side character cameos while a-questin’.

They definitely aren’t.

I assume the other 50% is Chris Evans.

This is from one of the numerous previous articles about this case, but there are severe behavioral issues at play as well as what sounds like other complicating factors.

Keeping her in one place for longer than 45 days seems like a pretty valid option.

If they were using the same content that relied on user created modifications, it may simply have come down to an issue with permissions.

Three, in the sense that Origin exists (but is officially deprecated now), there’s their updated EA Play launcher, and that the games and library are also available through the XBox app if you’re an Ultimate tier subscriber.

Where’s Whistlin’ Diesel when we really need him.

And let her keep the tire! It’d make great porch decoration, plus those things sell for a surprising amount of money if she wanted to roll it on down the road.

I still really hate how the engine swaps can’t be reversed.

Fake listing.

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And the subsequent version 2, now with 100% more HondaJet:

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There are a lot that I really love, but one that stands out as being pure, wholesome excellence.

Matt Berry Does: Craft a Mine