I love when dipshit gun fetishists start playing Freud. “Um, yes, see you’re compensating for..” Says the gun nut dying to live out his John Rambo cosplay fantasies that he and the derp patrol on the cul de sac are gonna be able to hold back the United States Gubmint with their guns when the time calls.

There is absolutely nothing safe about placing your loaded pistol on a table in arms’ reach of other people.

Considering it is used as justification in a court of law by law enforcement and gun owners, feelings obviously do matter. You just think your feelings should matter more.

And my rights don’t stop because you’re so afraid of the world that you need to carry a gun with you at all times. What ARE you so afraid of?

Hits close to home, doesn’t it?

You’re right, it’s definitely more important to make people fearful just because it makes you FEEL like a badass.

Seeker is not some random podcast.

Now playing

Oops. Looks like science really does disagree with you “classical liberals”.

I agree with you in most cases. But I’m also a strong believer that not every topic has a middle ground. Like some things can be objectively bad and the idea that the world exists on a middle ground where every single type of debate needs to be entertained isn’t true. It’s important to be hypercritical of yourself and

If you are not offended by the very mention of this particular president, you are beyond help.

Trump fucking sucks. He’s a shitbird.

If the fact that the current “president” of the United States is Donald Trump DOESN’T offend you, you need help.

Engage with the work in good faith. I spoke with Chad and Jared Moldenhauer recently for this site and asked about this very thing because I perceived it as well, although not nearly as keenly due to less historical knowledge. I don’t doubt the honesty of their answer but Yussef’s point stands: even if you try hard as

If they really wanted to hit the representation out of the park, they can go with making a person of color boss. The game makes it clear that Cuphead and Mugman are basically claiming the souls of island residents that had the misfortune of losing to the devil and aren’t, themselves, evil. So making a boss to fight

Now this is a good dilemma.

Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.


you sound triggered. are you triggered?

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
