It’s kinda hard to have a discussion with someone who calls victims “professional victims” rather than pointing out what the problem is. So I’m putting as little effort into my “counterpoint” as the OPs.

yes you can, try criticism next time instead of calling victims “professional victims.”

Calling actual victims “professional victims” turns them into a woman hater, not the act of criticism.

Scream with mouth-frothing nerdrage at a woman for the crime of having an opinion for three years straight and yeah, you’ll launch them straight to the UN.

Because if you look at MRA sites, they’re not actually in favor of gender equality.

Shhh! You’re spoiling his fantasy about women being evil she-wolves who want to destroy masculinity and video games!

Go back to your MRA cave.

You mean the same Zoe Quinn who criticized the report?

Part of it is the ability to pick up a controller to most old games and being able to just jump in. No explanation of controls really needed. And so much was done with that. Now a days games require tutorials and things like that.

Well, that’s kind of a silly statement. It’s not so much that it’s romanticized. That’s just how it was. It was great to us then. Just like something like Last of Us is great to people now. It has mechanics that won’t hold up and I’m sure even it’s look will find itself outdated, as every single realstic looking game

eh, there exist good old games - games like Super Mario Bros 3, Mega man 2, Sonic 2, Final Fantasy 6. But there was tons of shit too, games like Ghostbusters, bubsy, and what not.

Some games are definitely romanticised - that’s nostalgia for you. On the other hand, some are genuine classics and are better than some popular franchises today, imo.

no way.

I’m making my way through DS9 now and I will say don’t skip it. The first two seasons are... rocky, but the show gets better and better as time goes on and is well worth the journey.

It seems that the time in which the intros were made wasn’t taken into account. Voyager only looks better due to the availability of cheap cgi by the time it was produced. TNG is the best because it was the first to step it up and bring the scope of the show into the intro. DS9 might actually be tied with it. The

I have to agree with all of these except DS9. Not the least, because Voyager is my favorite series. My top 3 would have been:

No, you won’t “possibly” be watching DS9. You WILL be watching DS9 because I’m ordering you to. :P

Forgot Voyager’s subtle reflection in the ring system right before the eclipse sequence.

Anyone who ranks the Deep Space Nine intro as anything not first or second is wrong.

  1. #1 totally has to be TNG