Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary

Well, I dunno. I always liked him best. Which makes this extra super disappointing.

Winston, if someone asks you if you think a female team of Ghostbusters would be cool, you say: YES.

It'll be all black.

What have you done!?! You Jinxed it! Now they're gonna start making way more movie games and their gonna be bad again.

Don't forget Disney's 16-bit era run. Aladdin and Lion King were fantastic video games.

This gorgeous 35th Anniversary Limited Edition of the original Alien is the kind of packaging that one of the greatest films of all time deserves. We just ran a deal on the Alien Anthology set the other day, and when asked by a commenter if they should watch all four films or just the first two, I said "just the first

Yeah, I don't get this. The 2nd movie is unassailable. The Director's Cut of the 3rd movie is excellent, if you ask me.

"if they should watch all four films or just the first two, I said "just the first one".

Situations like this whole GamerGate.... Thing... Only make me want to further distance myself from that label. I'd never use it in day to day life anyway, as it carries so much stigma as it is, but now even in our own community it's being wielded by some as a weapon to be nasty to people on the internet. I didn't

Morons, though. She wasn't talking about the death of gaming, just the complete emptiness of "gamer" as an identity. It's a legitimate point of view and one I happen to share, and it's a big factor in preventing more people getting involved.

I've just been thinking about this game and the history of Alien games and realised that, if this turns out to be a good game, then it might actually be the first good Alien game. Discounting any Alien vs Predator title, I can't think of any game based solely on the Alien franchise that was actually any good.

A good summary, with the added irony that the UK weren't that interested in keeping the Falklands by the 1970s, and there could well hve been a negotiated settlement to cede them to Argentina if the Junta hadn't wanted to distract from all the horrors and incompetency they were infliciting on their own people. Before

They were tried for kidnapping and killing people who were against them, get your facts straight.

And the war was started primarily to distract Argentinians from the disastrous economy that the junta had majorly screwed up.

Do I see a Bolivian flag in there? Lol.

Probably the same kind of people that vote for Mendez or Kirchner, and would even vote if Maduro or Chavez showed up in Argentinian elections.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they took the kids from schools and made them hold flags.

She also believes she's an Egyptian Architect and a "Successful" Lawyer. Good for her, I'd love to see when her bubble pops.

What makes you say that? Ask anyone who was alive and not a pro-military, they all hated the diea of going to war for some crappy islands. No one openly protested about it because the "Junta" were killing anyone who went against it.

Let me explain why this isn't funny: Argentinians, at the time were living in an oppressive military coup, and it forced a huge amount of 18 year olds to work as military, and when the war started, those 18 year olds had to go as well. Think about it, you're 18, you just finished high school, you have to do forced

Well, if they just got husbands instead of being whores, they wouldn't need State help.