the Duck Hunt dog is the embodiment of every light gun game for the NES, not just Duck Hunt.

I would recommend resisting the urge to respond to vitriolic greys in the future. All you end up doing is giving them undeserved exposure.

oh yay, it's todays mandatory sevenhundredandfiftyeightthousandth Male Who Doesn't Get Feminism And Is Therefore Angry While Being Wrong.

Stop trying so hard.

You know, considering that 1/4 women have suffered some form of physical abuse in the USA, let alone countries like India, I think that things could be improved just a tad, don't know? I mean, yeah, things are better than 500 years ago, but I think there is room for progress.
Unless of course you think that violence

you're calling out people who make everything a political statement, but that's exactly what you're doing

Did you even watch the video? It's making fun of guys like Beast who is a possessive, stalkerish very violent guy to be around.

Yes, well, until there's a proper healthcare system worldwide to offer the therapy necessary for people to get past phobias and trauma, without cost, I'll be happy enough with something like this that helps them avoid situations they'll find tremendously upsetting.

For you!

Needs more dogs.


Oh well that sounds lovely, why would anyone be against that?

Dreadnoughtus is right around the estimated size of several other sauropod dinosaurs. But those sauropods are only known from a few bones, so their size estimates are much more "guesstimates" than Dreadnoughtus, which has a really good amount of skeletal material to it.

Now playing

All games need more Stan Bush (or at least 80's rock).

No love for either Cybertron ending sequence? Come on now, those have 80's cheese written all over them and they are perfect for it.

WARNING: This is an angry rant!

What I'm so tired of is when a person or group of people spouts racist, fatphobic, misogynistic, transphobic or homophobic crap like they're being SUBVERSIVE and EDGY because they think it's fucking cool or something.

No. You're just like 90% of the rest of the world. You're a tired old

wait! hold the phone! is this a new comic being made right now? it looks just like the old Marvel Transformers comics.

Smacks of victim blaming. Just because someone doesn't have a positive fluffer spin to put on something, doesn't give anyone the entitlement to be an exceedingly childish 4chan quality commenter.

The dude has 3o million subscribers(bros). I never heard of him. But I know 30 million people= at least 15 million douchebags. I'll never understand why people watch others play games. Unless it's pre-release, and you get to see it early, the whole thing seems crazy.