Oh well thank god you "don't have anything against" us, I was worried for a minute
Oh well thank god you "don't have anything against" us, I was worried for a minute
The only time conservative politicians have really supported gun control in the United States is when conservative fears of armed black people have surpassed conservative fears of not being able to buy their eleventh glock, which was about fifty years ago.
If the dead children at Sandy Hook didn’t sway them, I don’t…
They’ll tell you it’s about mental health and then vote against every proposal to increase availability of mental health services, or funding for those services. It’s a load of shit.
I’m thinking of the guy who shot up those Kindergarteners (remember that?). IIRC he just took the guns from his dad, or a neighbor; something like that. Technically, they were “obtained illegally” because he just took them. That’s theft. But he wouldn’t have been able to go on the shooting spree if they just hadn’t…
It’s totally normal in America, but we can’t do anything about it says the only country where mass shootings happen on a near-weekly basis
My area has had two mass shootings in the past week that the national news has essentially ignored.
Gun control sounds great... in theory. The problem is that the majority of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally.
They’ll tell you that it’s really about mental health...
Coming from a country with strong gun control (Australia), I have to disagree with some of this. The “criminals will get guns whether they’re illegal or not” argument may be true, but strong gun control reduces the availability of guns, the culture of acceptability around guns, and the immediate response of the…
None of those things, because the people who already don’t listen to reason will find literally ANYTHING else to blame it on. The killer could do all of those things and explicitly lay out a manifesto perfectly outlining how lax gun control and abundant supply of guns is 100% the only thing that enabled them,…
....The reality of it is that it’s normal, because our apathetic, complacent oligarchical overlords and government MADE IT NORMAL. It doesn’t benefit them, nor does it hurt them. They relish in public apathy to not actually work for the people.
It’s not a matter of everyone having or not having them, its that this is a fucking nazi doing the work of nazis in an area where the police explicitly allow such things to occur. Plenty of libs and socialists are armed but they tend to be historical or defensive situations whereas these fuckers put on armor and go…
David Cross has a pretty great joke about how much 9/11 changed air travel and how we were and by and large still are okay with massive inconveniences when we fly just to avoid something like that happening again, so maybe if there’s a mass shooting that kills as many people as died in 9/11 then something might…
Shows just how much they care.
Except for the whole Fallout 76 being made in the first place.
Well and the Great Canvas Famine was still on.
Promotional items always look better than the real thing.
I guess I never thought about how expensive it could be to make tens of canvas bags for all of the fallout 76 collectors edition buyers
I think my own child showing up on porn would be 100 times more traumatic.