Thank you! If consoles were cars, Sony would be Chevy..
Thank you! If consoles were cars, Sony would be Chevy..
As someone who quite likes Sony hardware, I agree almost entirely. Sony has barely done anything innovative outside of supporting the latest disc formats that Sony has a hand in developing anyway, and maybe the eye toy. Microsoft and Nintendo have tried quite a lot of innovative things recently and I'm very excited…
While I haven't ruled out a PS4 entirely (games and utility buy space in my home, not snark and witty retorts) their course of action really left me less than amused with them. The same with most adverts of the sorts from any company, really.
Sony's entire policy seems to be aimed at taking cheap shots at MSoft. Maybe that's why they're unable to make a profit.
Yeah, no policy changing there.
I'm glad someone mocked that. I hate that. Making up a stupid name for something or someone you don't like is completely moronic. I see that and I immediately think the person is stupid and ruled only by their hate. I run into it so much more in political contexts. People commenting online about politics call…
Why no big headline and people complaining about this? Because wasn't there a big headline and people raging about TV stuff on the Xbox one? Weird
So.....Sony defense force members, is TV on consoles cool now? I guess so .
She is stupid, yup I said it.
People have the option to turn off the feature, but choose not to. I have a few friends that block messages from people that aren't on their friends list.
I don't see the issue here. I mean file a complaint and move on. The person will likely get banned when Microsoft gets to your case. If you actually think the person is a threat then go to the police, not Microsoft, though they'll probably tell you there's nothing they can do unless it keeps up.
Okay it took them 2 weeks to make sure it was a legit complaint before doing something as serious as banning someone. I'm not a fan of Microsoft or XBox, but I think this lady needs to get over it. I'd rather they take their time with a system of reviews and checks than rushing the ban hammer all over the place.
...but people bitched, moaned, and threw a fit. How dare anyone try and change the holy console ecosystem.
I believe it was sort of obvious from the beginning what their plan was until Reddit+Kotaku decided to full on barrage hate on the console with rabid circlejerking.
Wow more positive Xbox One news spun into ho hum news with negative sarcasm on Kotaku. Then they bury the real news at the bottom. Its really sad how much fanboyism is crossed with journalism.. I can't wait for the launch time console "woes" is done and sites like Kotaku can become respectable again.
I love how you bury the gold account stuff at the bottom of the article. Well IGN, Joystiq and every other site known to gamers have already reported the earlier news so at least someone is doing their jobs.
Keep up the clear Bias guys... I'm sure Sony we'll give you all a lot of money for it
the quote "you get what you pay for" seems to fit very well here....I would have paid to have Xbox Live on my ps3.
I'm supposed to believe that anybody was actually going to buy an Xbox One and not subscribe to Gold? The only people who are acting affected are the Sony fanboys who were never going to buy the console to begin with.