
Sony is already mirroring most of what the Xbox One can do. Only not as well. Sony announced motion/voice controls for the console and the majority sites were quiet about it. Kotaku didn't say a thing about it. People say paying for XBLG is a rip-off and one of the very first announcements for the PS4 and PSN was

You can turn Notifications off. Always could. But I guess you just didn't look hard enough to find that out.

I think this is the first time I've seen a Kotaku "journalist" use the phrase "Let's give this thing a chance" in regards to the Xbox One. Shame you guys couldn't have that mindset from the beginning. You know, like professionals should. But then again, you work for Gawker so...

C&H made such an impact because it was, and is, AWESOME. Calvin did what many kids actually wanted to do. Try flying off the roof. Dig up the yard looking for treasure. Spend days, weeks even, enjoying the snow to its fullest. All the while sharing those moments with his best friend.

We need more games like the Drakengard series, Nier, and Alice: Madness Returns. I'm so glad Nier isn't the last game we'll get from these guys. It was a great game but the setting of a Drakengard game will allow them to do so much more.

The overall design of his robot mode isn't actually that bad. The toy just doesn't do it justice (like a lot of the Bayformers toy). The only bad things I can say about it are the over-sized and clunky gun and the poor excuse for shoulder pads. Other than that, the design isn't bad. Pretty good in fact. I'm

Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

...if you've never played a Drakengard game, how do you know you aren't a fan? That's like saying you don't like PB&J sandwiches when you've never tried one to find out.


Wanna know the best part? The original story was actually just some moron's interpretation of what was said, not an actual response to an interview. Major Nelson has stated as much, and there's an article as well. They did update their article but rather than bumping up that article with the update, they just let

It is Kotaku. Patricia got away with publishing an article with a title like "Some Fools Are Actually Interested In The Xbone" and changed it only after people called her out on being an unprofessional hack.

Yeah, fuck those people for choosing how to spend their own money and enjoying things you don't.

A lot of people have been blowing a lot of the Xbox One features out of proportion. The Kinect was never an issue, especially since most, if not ALL, laptops come with a webcam nowadays. And ALL modern cell phones have cameras. Why is it okay to carry a camera around with you at all times but not okay for one to be

Kotaku has been extremely anti-Microsoft since both consoles were announced. It's pathetic, really.

Isn't it awesome how gamers (something I'm trying to no longer associate myself as) have become the most pessimistic bunch of crybabies in existence? They are no longer willing to give anyone a chance if whatever idea is being proposed isn't immediately beneficial to their tastes. We had no idea what the original

Except there are no zombies in 28 Days/Weeks later. No one comes back to life in those movies. Once someone infected dies, they stay dead. You're infected while alive, you stay alive, and if you're killed, that's it. The "zombies" in those movies are just really really pissed off/rabid humans. Not a single one of

Good thing nobody asked you then, huh? The comic is clearly hitting all the rules according to Owen's standards (and the people that actually used the polls) so you'll just have to deal with seeing it every week. Or, like I said before, you can just choose to not read the weekly webcomic feature on Kotaku, a site

Except her comic IS gaming related. Just not 100% of the time. Something I said wasn't a requirement to be featured (because it isn't). So you complaining about it not being video game related, on Kotaku of all places (which isn't 100% video games, and hasn't been for a long time now), just makes you look stupid.

Let's see you do better. Hell, let's see if you can even DRAW better than Kelly can.

If Skyrim had better combat it would be Dragon's Dogma or Dark Souls.