
And you clearly did not understand the point I was making. This isn't about actual developers making JRPG's for the Xbox One. This is about the gamers being able to turn their console into a dev kit and develop games for it, that can then be self-published on the Marketplace. There are certainly people out there

All jokes aside, this actually is a good chance to get some JRPGs onto the Xbox One. The 360 had what, less than 15 that were actually released overseas? Even if it's just sprite art like the older Final Fantasy games, it could be pretty sweet to see some old school JRPG-like games from this.

How long until the comments devolve into Microsoft bashing? I get that the initial reveal wasn't all rainbows and glitter but Microsoft has actually listened to people bitching their heads off and reversed several policies AND THAT STILL WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU. So what will be good enough? Do you want them to

I can't wait for this game. Origins was so much fun. I only rented it but I did get 1000/1000 in it. I'm thinking I should buy it but since Legends has remastered versions of Origins stages, I'm not sure if I should. Does it have ALL of Origins remastered or just select levels? I'd love to play a remastered

For PvE maybe. But the best way to play PvP is to be a dick.

THAT Gundam doesn't but several of them do.

Please do one more Onimusha game before calling it quits for good, please please please???? YOU HEAR THAT CAPCOM!?!? I want to give you my money for another Onimusha game, so get to it.

I want Dynasty Warriors 8 SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. But I'm 90% sure I won't be able because I'm moving soon, or trying to, and sdvfirbvdrisbvidsrbviudsrhbgv God dammit I want that game. This might be the first time I won't be able to get the next entry in the series the day it comes out (main series

I appreciate keeping a game fresh by adding new content but why not make Street Fighter V instead? Street Fighter IV came out in 2009. FOUR YEARS AGO. I'm not big into the fighter game scene so someone that is could probably explain it though.

Options are awesome, they really are, but why do people feel like their preference needs to be included in something they had no involvement with?

I want to get this because of the panda but I don't have a 3DS. Sad panda time. Also, if that fire starter becomes Fire-Fighting like the last THREE, I'm gonna be pissed.

That's a shame. Metroplex alone is worth the money but if he came with mini versions of the Fall of Cybertron cast, would be so much more amazing.

Do you have a close up of the mini characters that come with Metroplex?

A security exploit/loophole isn't a hack. You're using "hack" as a catch-all term for anything involving something bad and that isn't true. Fact remains that Microsoft hasn't had a server hack the likes of what Sony went through, just accept it.

That still isn't the servers being hacked. You are missing the own point of your argument. Everyone has told you Microsoft's servers haven't been hacked and you're using accounts being stolen as proof the servers were hacked. They aren't the same thing.

The "hundreds of times" you are referring to is individual accounts stolen through a FIFA exploit EA refuses to acknowledge because it makes them more money. That has nothing to do with Microsoft besides the fact that more people play the 360 version of those games than they do the PS3 version, meaning more targets

I figured they had a partnership or something, not an outright ownership thing. And man, I miss Funcoland. That was a store worth going to.

GameStop owns Game Informer? When did that happen? But that explains why they try to get you to subscribe every time you walk in the damn store.

It's such a shame Amalur got overshadowed by all the negativity involving the company. It really is a solid game, and certainly worth 8 bucks. Amazing combat, fresh visuals, interesting side-quests, just an all around solid game. The MMO looked interesting but I would have much preferred a sequel or prequel.

Getting real tired of this "console war" bullshit. Yeah, everyone has a preference, that's cool. But there's no need to attack and insult the other side just because they prefer something you don't. People wonder why gamers and the industry as a whole is still seen as something immature adults and obnoxious kids