
What the ever loving fuck?

This is what I kept telling my junior high school friends over and over and over back in the day. Finally I have someone to back me up.

5 is a Trump number: 5,000 troops to guard the Mexican border, 5 billion to pay for the wall, State of the Union on Feb 5th, Central Park 5 are murderers. Just look up Trump 5 million and see what you get.

Right? And with a fairly common word.

Thanks. I somehow missed that. I must have been too high ; )

I am going to be very careful how I word this, but readers need to know that I am a very proud bleeding heart liberal:

I remember Macaulay and Kieren saying that their experiences with Jackson were innocent. Was Michael just being more careful with children from relatively powerful families? I’d be interested in hearing what the Culkins think of the movie.

The police said that the pictures did not cross the line of being considered child porn (see source above), but I attribute that to the fact that Jackson was knowledgeable enough to know how to cover his ass...

...this could be taken in the wrong way

I never understood what happened with the cat. So Abbi let the cat out. How is that Abbi’s fault?


A fellow old! Rejoice!

35K or less major city in California buddy. No citation needed.

Whaaaa? Is Sean O’Neal back? Woo Hoo!

Why is Splinter so full of White Supremacist lately? This is scary.

The biggest thing that I took away from the video is:

I like the idea of a biopic of Edgar Allan Poe, but I hate the idea of Stallone doing it.

Name calling based on looks: what the other side does. Not us.

Beats me. I just like to think that every scooter riders equates to one less motor vehicles, but I suppose that may be naive.

Little Willy and Smokin’ in the Boys Room