
Why am I having such a hard time believing AVC reviews 300+ movies a year? I am not doubting the numbers, but I would have guessed much much lower.

You just can’t hate Nicole Kidman is what I thought today as a suffered through Aquaman.

Good example. He is wonderful in cameo roles however.

Good to hear. I was really looking forward to this and, having not read the other reviews, was very disappointed.

Boxcutter gives your three jumps ahead.

Not you anyway.

Yes. Yes it is.

She and I have talked. We both want one.

PG&E has the blood of so many Californian deaths on their hands. Just happened to watch Erin Brockovich the other night, and was reminded that it was PG&E that poisoned so many people just a few decades back.

What? Are you a bigot or is this sarcasm?

This is just stupid and a complete apples and oranges argument.

Why are men so defensive on Gizmodo?


Toy? Not a toy. This is an entirely necessary machine.

You don’t go on too many dates, do you?

Well, all I know is that if I had the opportunity to take home any product on display at the convention, I’d pick this one.

In this west coaster’s opinion, the east coast is miles beyond the west. I actually marvel at the rail transportation and subway system whenever I visit. Not that the eastern systems can’t be improved, but the west coast transportation system is absolutely archaic. There use to be a rail system linking the big cities

Okay, I was totally with you (and the other commenters) after reading the first line of your comment. But there is so much wrong with the second sentence...

Also next time: Promise free hamburgers once a week for life.

“i know u are but what am i?”