It was a weird time to be an American in 2003. Everyone was still reeling from 9/11 and the desire to stay united as a country was foremost in just about everyone’s mind. I remember listening to Moore’s speech and, although I agreed with him one-hundred percent, felt disappointed that he chose to speak so bluntly…
Which is extremely noticeable when he attempts to rap.
Turd Ferguson. It’s funny.
Oh c’mon. I’ve been here since ‘83 and it is a rare year that a serious wildfire doesn’t occur.
California is huge. So is the L.A. metropolitan area. So a Malibu fire burning on the other side of the city from where I live doesn’t really affect me, apart from a spectacular sunset through the smoke.
I think it was more spontaneous than a thought-out decision. We have all been waiting for Sessions to go, it was a matter of Trump’s ego took a blow during the earlier press conference, so, Trump being who he is, had a tantrum and fired someone.
I hope you are right. I am becoming more and more skeptical about the inner-workings of Washington.
Nah, I’m just an old and that’s why Urban Dictionary is bookmarked on my computer.
George W Bush lost many of his supporters during his presidency. What makes Trump so different? I just don’t get it.
What is Mueller waiting for? C’mon dude, expose the asshole before he has a chance to fuck up some more!
Well you see, EVERYONE knew that Trump was a cheating, lying asshole before he ran for president. I mean, was there ever anyone that would counter an argument about Trump with, “Oh no! He is a really sweet guy and a pillar of our community.” I do not think so.
I’m cringing with white shame.
Nevermind. I don’t want to think about it anymore.
Okay, what?
Sucks to live in SoCal
Yeah, this would totally piss me off if I were riding in that car trying to mind my own business.
The second thing I noticed after the spread of daylight was the white knuckles of the driver. I can’t imagine what it must have taken to drive through that hellscape not knowing if you were going to make it or not.
*looks up cum gutter*
Yes. DeVito nailed it.