
It's pretty obnoxious imo for people to berate this anime or any anime for using "CG". i hate when they throw buzz terms around like that and don't even understand what it means. Like you said it would be time consuming and less likely to get a great visual return using oldschool animation techniques. Also "CG" has

Damn near all anime now is digitally painted. actual hand animation is somewhat rare now.

CG still looks great. CG =/= bad.

No no, that's called "24 time." It's like real time, but everyone has a teleporter.

i just can´t get my head around the fact that they brag with stats they got by cheating...there is no accomplishment in it, nothing do be proud of, it is choosing to be a pretentious hypocritical prick over actually achieving something.
i mean i cheated in counterstrike 1.5 almost 10 years ago, for a couple of matches

By the way, a reader sent me this Japanese commercial for 24 and I don't think there's anything better on the web today:

How long have you waited to use that gif??

Yeah, and have you seen those expensive horses those Mounties ride?

Yeah, but these kids will never know the magic of a mixtape, or of trying to find the track you want, or of just listening to an album halfway through and having to flip the tape.


More importantly you have curly fries. /jealous

Well because of the way you described the Terrorist House , now I want to see Sacha Baron Cohen do a parody movie about MTV's The Real World except instead of 20-30 somethings it is filled with terrorists. Can hear the promo now "Find out what happens when out when members from Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, the IRA, The

I can't believe I watched that whole video.

Hey, I just don't think that this sort of thing should be shown on television. It is just too over the top. I don't want my children exposed to this sort of thing, and it is just not part of my belief system that this sort of thing is appropriate.

I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?