is it measured if not in pounds? is it measured if not in pounds?
An odd question...and to be honest, rather dickish.
The 3 is "full size" and the impreza is a "huge car"?
Everyone uses Taylor made drivers. okay, not everyone, but they have like 80% of the tour players using their drivers, regardless of what else is in the bag.
I'm so disappointed. I was hoping for some good lawyer jokes, and I got a bunch of pedo jokes. Booo...come on guys, at least pick on the right guy with the right jokes.
Most folks who grow up to be halfway decent adults at one point had a "young and stupid" moment. This falls under that heading for me. Kids tend to be assholes on occasion, this was one of those occasions.
It's my fault if I sit there not doing my job, and instead cry because it's easier. And I have bad days and deal with difficult students all the time. Maybe I should start posting video.
Bullsh*t. It's still your job to do something, and not just sit there.
I said it in the bus driver thread, and I'll say it here. I'll give 100 people ten minutes, and they can say anything they want to me. Now where's my $200k?
Like Cameras, typically the best knife is the one that you have with you when you need it.
Bullsh*t. With all due respect, it's a complete copout. The idea that it's better to just sit and take it is completely the opposite of what the thought process should be. If that's your plan, don't take the job.
Dear Geography major,
You know what? For $150,000 you can call me anything you want.
I get the vehicles, but the other 2 guns aren't even the pinnacle in their own class, and thus, don't exactly fall under "terrifying" in my book.
Makes sense. Very similar in function, as most of my widgets, when clicked launch the app, but I get the unified appearance idea.
Exactly. The UAW killed detroit more than all of the other factors combined. But hey, don't let things like the long term viability of the company interfere with trying to get your members another couple of bucks an hour.
Under the seat like everyone else. :)
This just in people..."legacy support" doesn't refer to 5 year old devices any more. All of the major players are having trouble getting everyone in the same place as they come out with better and better features. Your iPhone 4 is only 2 months old? Should have waited for the new one, now you won't get Siri. You…
At the risk of coming off like an android fanboy, how is this different from what Android is now? My home screen is a weather widget, an email widget, a facebook widget, an agenda widget, and a couple of icons. I can resize all of the widgets and move them around, and all but one (fb) has the ability to change the…