
Okay...but he was also anti-dividend. So he didn't give the investor the money either. In both cases, the charities don't get anything.

Ding Ding Ding.

The big difference is that Gates always, always gave back. He gave to charity early and often.

That's not saying charity is bad! Just that Jobs never approved of it.

I thought Aerosmith went clean years ago?

The dude has turned down and laughed at hotter tail than I'm ever going to even see in a swimsuit. I don't get to judge how he accessorizes.

Who did the accounting for this article? Enron?

Pointing out that the guy is a bigot isn't bullying. I think you're trying to tie together an analogy that doesn't work here.

I'm pretty sure that pulling a gun on a police officer and refusing to listen to him isn't going to end up with you in court, it ends up with you in the hospital, or the morgue.

(stands) (slow clap)

You shut your whoring mouth right now.

Watching her back fat jiggle, all I could think of was how funny that "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle" line from sexy and I know it would have been there.

Guys, stop picking on Jesus...copy/pasting into google translate this early in the day is hard!

Ugh...I can't read more than 5 words that that idiot writes. I would expect a lawyer to have at least a small understanding of the fact that writing like an idiot makes you look stupid.

Too many other options at that price..plus, I've never really understood the idea of beefing up a rwd truck with no weight over the go wheels.

Sure we could buy a van, but why not instead spend upwards of $100,000 to look douchey?

Make it orange, and it would look like Leeloo's bike.

Or, be smart in your dealings and find some potentially great deals. I've bought or sold 6 or 7 motorcycles now on CL, and haven't had any issues as a buyer or a seller.

I was okay with this until I saw that he filed suit. You get a ticket, you go to court, you get out of ticket. It's done, don't sue the police department.

COTD right there. You can't just decide what's going to be a meme.