
There is no better auto cheat then Smokey Yunick! How about his 9/10th’s scale NASCAR? No one could figure out why his car was so fast on the straights. They tore the crap out of his engine. Nothing found. Lots of people standing around scratching heads. It wasn’t until a real version of the street car parked near the

The ECU recognizes the OB2 port use (when you plug in) and a second mode program starts. It’s very easy to do from a design concept. It sounds as if the whole basis for this was either; 1. Cheaper then spending R&D on meeting EPA standards or 2. VW found it impossible to meet these standards with current technology.

1. Agree it is up to the reporter to go to the police. 2. It’s not a fine line when it comes to probible grounds to believe this was a threat and make an arrest and allow a Judge to determine what the ‘line’ is here.

With the Chinese and Russians able to track these ships (from space) and modern ship killing missles, I don’t see where there would be any advantage? The monthly on board payroll costs (let alone shore / fleet support payroll) would seem better spent elsewhere.

So the threat to the reporter that he could have him killed isn’t considered s felony? Something about this story doesn’t add up. What do you bet that the State Dept gave these asshats a heads up to leave the country before public pressure to arrest them built up. Pretty suspicious that they (police) admit *now* that

There was Uranium on board the German sub that surrendered to the U.S Navy in late May of 1945. It was on its way to Japan when Germany surrendered and the two Japanese officers onboard committed suicide.

Dry Chen only contains a fuel fire where the source is still active. It took forever to roll the fire service here. One other thing: you don't shoot the dry Chen in your fellow workers face. The main product is sodium Bicarbonate

Define democracy and freedom? Which type? One with a King whom keeps everyone down on the farm and pays off terrorists to stay out of his kingdom but have a shit load of oil? Or a backwater kingdom the size of NYC that has the happy circumstances to have a deep water port for a U.S. Navy base across from bad middle

Actually the Germans offered to give him back in exchange for a German General but Stalin always thought he would be used as a political tool by his enemies (pretty much everyone) if he took him back and didn’t think a General for a low ranking officer was much of a deal. It was embarrassing for him to not have a

No that isn’t it at all. In fact it’s pretty selfserving to believe that *your* version of the truth is what everyone else must believe. See, your making my point about Bush. You apply YOUR belief system on others and expect them to cower and bend over. The violence was in *response* to an imposed U.S. system. You can

Well the ‘changing minds’ thing is a whole other argument but I’ll say this: you can’t change minds of people whom don’t want to change. Simplistic right? But it’s human nature. Bush had this ideology that the U.S. can impose what people should think. That winning a war gives you this ‘right’. It does nothing of the

Many fought because they would have been shot in the back by their ‘Commissars’. Many took their chances they would be heroically wounded and get returned home or at least taken prisoner by the Germans. Stalin later shot many ex prisoners or sent them to Gulags for decades. Many ex prisoners families couldn’t even

Nope, that’s pretty much what happened. Many have said it was because he let it be known that he wanted to run on the GOP ticket but that was mainly a reason why you (Truman) might want to embarrass him but the reality is that promoting (in the press) that the CinC is a gutless wonder who lacks balls to protect

‘Forever’ in this discussion is interesting. It’s been three generations - under 80 years. In the history of the world, that doesn’t rate even an asterisk. History isn’t on their side. We waited out the USSR, the Soviet Bloc, the South American dictatorships, the Apartheid SA. The list gets smaller every 10 years. We

The intelligent move is to change minds. Everything else is road rage where you don’t know what the other guy is packing but damn it all - I’m mad as hell and violence is always the answer.

What stopped that ‘Court Martial’ was the GOP. These discussions were leaked to members of the house and word came back that to the JCS AND Truman that firing was supported but nothing else or they would have a political war on the home front. Right or wrong - he was a ‘war hero’ (marketing) and the GOP would have

All wars are political.

By cutting off their supplies.

Actually... Your example of Hamburg is a poor example. Bombing Hamburg did nothing to shorten the war. I could cite many many sources but don’t have the time today to list them. But basically bombing civilians to change a Governments mind only works with democratically elected regimes. A Totalitarian group of

I’m aware of the history of these parts and the use of this material. Injection moulding has a far longer and generally far more successful history and more accurately reflects your 40 year claim then composite material.