
There was a story many years ago about the MIG 25's entry from prototype status into service had early issues with many landing crashes with fatalities. The pilots were attempting dead stick landings instead of ejecting when they had fires or engine failures.

Besides, it would be a mark (no pun intended) of honer to be sliced open by a Koenigsegg while on your silly 10 speed at a cross walk. Lawyer and investment strategist on speed dial in that order... <smirk>

True enough - although you would have to agree that they are now where near as aggressive as the ONE.

I question the carbon aero side trim pieces, F1 style, as I don't believe he would get US certification for them. He probably doesn't care selling only six examples, but I believe TUV also have spec's relating to pedestrian impact safety.

Thanks Vinci! Always a challenge to give proper info without boring people.

I'll go with the OPP's assessment that this storm created unique conditions that lead to even good drivers getting caught up in it. Having said that; what you say has some truth to it as I often wonder how people who seem to have issues walking in malls without bumping into me drove there safely. Probably bringing

This issue as explained by someone earlier who lives in Barrie was the speed of the snow crossing the road, the area of the 400 where it occurred and the fact that you can slow down approaching the poor visibility but the concertina effect happens behind you where people are attempting to slow down when they see the

150kph is impossible for an Ontario registered truck as all of them have a speed limiter installed mandated by law to 105kph. If it was remotely going this fast (must have been one hell of a CAT twin turbo from BC) it would be an out of jurisdiction trucker, perhaps from the US or Quebec and many people report a lot

So you were there huh? Cause I talked to my neighbor who got back from Orillia after a very trying day of finding any secondary route to get home and the zero visibility and lack of snow fencing was the issue. But we'll go with your assumptions I guess... Next time don't bring the Quebec, 'we have snow tire laws, nah,

Go back to fining a small business Facebook page because they use English. We can do without the 'we're better then you bullshit' as I guess you all can drive in IFR conditions huh? Meanwhile *25% of your Province wants out and most will head to Ontario. *Recent poll.


Renault raced this v10 engine in F1 and won SIX World Championships with it! It WAS reliable and was NOT over weight. And yes - they DID hit 20K rpm - in fact in testing they did 25K just to see what would happen. It finally went tits up after 4 minutes. (slapping head) FYI: The reservoir system was never a problem.

The socialist part is the agreement giving by law - a profit where the taxpayer has been given all the risk. It's an unworkable solution.

"Of course, I'm just speculating."

The other issue I have (other than No-Fault) is the agreement that the industry is allowed a 'minimum' 12% return on investment in Ontario under the Act. Funny how we've all been told how they make no money yet their profits are 'guaranteed' by the Government. Socialism much?

FYI: Did you know the only way to be off the hook for paying a deductible is if your car is hit and your not in it (parked) and you are able to id the person who hit it. Then you don't have to pay a deductible. Sitting IN the car parked - pay deductible. Watching someone back into it from the sidewalk - no deductible.

The phrase 'No Fault' was a marketing ploy dreamed up by the insurance industry to sell this concept to Governments.

LOL - write off...

No fault is a sham. It is a fraudulent system developed BY the insurance companies FOR the insurance companies and it can and does have Star Chamber like results where despite evidence that you did no wrong, (as in some guy backing into you in a shopping center as you drive by) your insurance company tells you that you

And why the Smart car has a higher level of insurance risk (number) then it's retail price warrants because many accidents are complete write downs over 25kph with injuries...