Hmm, indeed!
Hmm, indeed!
At some point the regular people are going to have to realize 45 is just a malicious asshat and so is everyone he surrounds himself with, right? To me there’s already enough evidence against him to bury him in a jail for the rest of his life, along with his adult family, advisors, appointees and the bulk of the…
Dear Kirsten (yeah, I’m spelling your name like it’s supposed to be spelled):
Your wish is granted! Two versions - one with a slightly more tasteful (?) light bar that retains the bumper structure:
Aaaaaand Joe Arpaio gets named to the post in 5...4...3...
Trump is concerned that not enough kids have died in detention.
I pray she is henceforth completely unemployable. And I hope to see her before the Hague for crimes against humanity.
At some point Trump is going to get exactly the person he wants at DHS - someone capable of incredible cruelty to people fleeing drugs, gangs, violence, and the like that are in no insignificant part due to the US fucking around in Central America for the better part of a century.
996.2 FTW.
I hope she gets to rejoin the administration in jail someday.
Can a photoshop expert connect the lights near the egg “runny” part to make them connect like a 90s mercury sable? Just wondering how it would look if you put a reflective strip to connect them like this 0__0
Here’s your eggs.
Gotta really appreciate the stones of a driver willing to drive a car where their feet is the bumper.
“Our top cyber security team is on this!”
Maybe he’s a Charlton Heston fan.
That is, at least, an extremely on-brand way to steal a Bullitt Mustang.
There’s so much of his story left to tell. For now, I can say no more...
This guy has lived (and continues to live) about three or four very long, very remarkable lifetimes all in one. Eager to tell more of his tales. Meantime, this was just a huge blast!
This is how you Jalop!!
Those guys who flew in WW2 are so few now, it’s an amazing opportunity to sit down and talk with one of them about their experiences. My old boss flew his first mission in a P-47 on D-Day, and the stories he told were incredible. As a pilot and history geek myself, I’ll never forget our conversations.