Because Russia, China, and a legacy of war mongering
Because Russia, China, and a legacy of war mongering
The kind of girls you can get, maybe
Probably the beast of turin.
It’s leaps and bounds ahead of the c6, which was miles away from the horrendously cheap C5.
Preaxh! I never thought I would like the Miata so much until I sat in one and realised it fit me like a well tailored suit.
#COTD right out of the gate. Wow. Go buy a lotto ticket and ask your boss for a raise, you’re on fire.
Hmmm interesting points. Never thought of it that way.
As someone that gets bored at baseball games (I’m sorry) these photos of sad fans are entertaining.
Maybe they shouldn’t try to have the park paved under into more homes like they keep trying to, considering the track existed first. I don’t buy a home next to the airport and complain about planes flying low. Or next to a highway and complain about truck noise.
Stamped out a few sets in aluminum of the old design possibly? They did that with the old F150 for test mules. They already have the molds and all that and allows them to do real world testing while retaining the old tail lamps bumper etc... and you know, it’s in camo. It could also well be a new F150 super crew with…
Yes exactly. No reputable dealer would offer a car with mechanical deficiencies for sale though. We had a rare car come in for consignment. We had a list the length of my arm (okay like five names) of customers looking for one just like it. One of them even spotted it in the lot and looked at it. We took it to a…
Hard written into the paperwork from a dealership is usually fine. Usually. Steve probably has a horror story.
A game where we pave over gold courses and make them auto racing tracks?*
I have no problem with this. The most effective cure all wonder drug ever invented was placebo
Agreed. Also upsets me because you know she peddled that garbage to someone else.
Too bad you didn’t burn it.
Please do.