
More glib than your usual articles.

I think she’s planning on eating the baby

True story, me and a friend as kids in my gold Volvo 240 sedan and his mom’s powder blue windstar. Driving the others’ car. We straight up hit a speed trap racing at 75mph in a 50. Cops lights go on and he races off the median. We both get right and ready to be pulled over and he hauls past us and yanks a red Porsche

Everything oxidizes basically. Fibreglass and many plastics yellow, rubber generally loses its oils and dries and cracks, or in the case of unpainted bumpers goes gray. Your ignorance is showing

A young guy in the military? Maybe a private? Maybe has a family. Maybe he’s 18 and looking to establish credit? You’re a pretty sad person.

You know that’s a real truck, right?

I bought a car in another country. Being in a strangers car, with thousands of dollars in a foreign currency in a foreign country was pretty interesting and unsettling.

I dunno. Murano cabriolet I can pass, but only if we immediately ship the entire stock to the Yukon and Alaska where they make perfect sense.

I’ve been pulled over by a fake cop with his hand on a very real pellet gun... I won’t pull over for an unmarked car now either outside a very well lit and busy place with cameras.

She’s qualified for the position, and the US federal government is practicing what it preaches by hiring the best candidate.

Smooth cover.

LOL that happened once five years ago and it’s your reference point for him being a good person? Read up a bit. As someone else said, he’s the Donald Trump of pizza.

Steven is that you!?


Baseball too.

I’m going to make phony ones

I’m ready to bootleg these stickers. My daily driver could definitely use the jalopnik bump. I predict that traffic would simply part ways on my drive home.

Who are you?

I can go on about times I’ve stepped out of my way to help customers, but nobody wants to hear about that, since all dealers are evil (as evidenced by the top rated comment on this post so far). :)

‘Artistic License’