
I am so of excite!

No he’s a troll. Dismiss him.

Well if you have eaten a salad you have. Bugs get into the leaves, etc... it’s actually something that a rabbi would look for to certify lettuce as kosher, I’ve been told. Even then, it is inspecting it for a certain allowable amount of bugs, not strictly bug free. It’s unavoidable. And then there is the argument that

True story, I had a grub or mealworm served with my boiled carrots or whatever at a restaurant. Dead. Needless to say last time I ever ate there.

That man is a national treasure.

This is a Travisty!

As others have stated there is a mechanical release right below the door lock button and in the line of sight. Poor guy likely panicked and missed it. The diagram on the handle is red if memory serves so it can easily be lost down on the floorboard I’d imagine. Having said that, this corvette has a removable roof. Two

Uh huh. There’s nothing wrong with what he did. Besides, there’s many tournaments - endless really. Only one chance to own one of the rarest cards ever made. There’s a difference between playing and collecting in a hobby. It’s why guys have cars they have every speck of dust off of and millions of dollars into that

My guess was ‘anywhere else’

A Volvo of some sort? I’m curious, what car? An ‘82 something...

And it’s a case study in why many companies don’t want to hire women in that bracket. Not defending or saying it’s right, of course. It’s pretty shitty this company hires women and then fires them so regularly.

I commute in a Buick Century. Not they’re not that bad at all actually.

I for one encourage more of our local police officers (like the one in the photo, I know EXACTLY where this is) to walk out into traffic.

Fly from south america. Canada flues there too but they go over the USA and therefore US authorities have record of you passing over their country on a flight to Cuba. It can lead to uncomfortable chats with CBP from what I’ve been told.

So like, lots of leg hair on your thighs never shaved, and then nothing lower down? And you started shaving before the internet but you’re only thirty?

Or the girls that are naturally skinny and petite (and HEALTHY, note!) And ate subjected to body shaming.

That’s what grinds my gears. She’s glorifying this and making it a way to further her career after lying about being raped. She’s gaming the system and playing the long game, and it’s behaviour like this that stigmatizes rape and allows it to continue apace. It’s extremely troubling. Any chance I had of believing her

Because it is a lie. She’s not a victim. She’s empowered herself by making a fake story and now making bs ‘performance art’ utilising her lies to further her career. She’s literally the worst

She’s actually a total liar. It’s hard to believe that someone that has had multiple sets of authorities dismiss her claims as false would make some ‘performance art’ piece like this if she were telling the truth. She graduated and is trying to be a ‘performance artist’ by milking this false story. All she is doing is

It’s got nearly 400,000km and it’s for a price I can buy an e30 for all day with half that mileage. This is an old car with a beat worn motor, and a second that is “additional price”