
Wow. Michigan must be really powerful.

human centipede

I’m kind of hyperventilating right now.

That’s “Strange.”

As someone who likes coke but hates pepsi and will always respond to the reverse of your question by choosing to have an orange soda, I thank you for your service.

this post made me a better man

I hear her personality is more emily.

Agreed. I don’t really like Karen or Frank all that much, but I really like them together.

That teaser still gives me chills

As an olde, I love how square Cage is. I love that he believes in hard work and trying not to cuss. He believes in being humble and simple over showy and flashy.

I’m gonna pretend Lin-Manuel’s quote is an actual line of dialogue.

...and then they went out and slaughtered a bunch of Teedos and Uthuthmas.


A little of column A and a little of column B? But it sure is nice to be remembered!

So much!

Would it surprise you to learn that I’m really excited to see this?

That seems to be the consensus. I’m sold.

Maybe that’s what we will do then. I think he would probably like it too, but I want to watch Rebels!

Fair enough. Thanks!

He knows the story of II, so that may be enough. Thanks!