
Kill her?

Came here to say just that ^

Beard is getting to legendary status.

That looked like a Lag shot to me.

Haha, I read that in his voice.

Holy shit! That was ace.

That’s what I was thinking. I would have sold em after a month of this. Edit: Then again, this car is pretty dope tho:

Thanks for the heads up on this. I have changed my xbox live gamertag 2 or 3 times as ive gotten older. I’m very glad I never had to stay with “DARKWOLF” because I am neither dark, nor a wolf. “Josh is a Robot” has been my longest standing gamertag.. So when it comes time to create my PSN I will heed your warning

Gotta agree with Mike on this one.

Since we are showing shotty snipe clips, here’s me getting a double headshot with one bullet:

He was probably recording it.

We went right into Oryx after downing the sisters and I spaced it.

All my cars on GTAV are hot pink. I love it when people walk into my garage for the first time.

Oh man, I’ve had similar experiences when I was the relic runner on Sisters/Oryx. I got the warning when i was running sisters, and we were on one of the last phases of Oryx when it died mid jump. Everybody was pretty bummed lol.

Wait, there are men who don’t enjoy eating pussy? I guess i’ve never asked around... but ever since I did it in high school I’ve loved it.

Now TAYNE I can get into...

That looks like a 3ds case haha. COD on 3DS CONFIRMED?!

That looks like a 3ds case haha. COD on 3DS CONFIRMED?!

Oh god here comes the XB1 hate. It’s 2013 all over again.

Hahaha I feel so special, this is your only post to anything on kinja. You must really hate people with families. <3

I, for one, am thankful for the guide. I have a wife and 2 kids, a fulltime job and a gym schedule. I aint got time to try and figure this shit out.