
This is like saying if you wear cloths you’re learning how to tailor.

Oh what the fuck is this guy talking about. Hammers into pickaxes? Also playing a game doesnt equal coding. Not by a long shot. You don’t even see the fuckin code WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT?

Healing dot (on yourself) when you land hits. For some reason I just got a funny image of my head of shooting yourself in the foot to heal.

cool, this will be my first Amiibo!

lol we all knew but I had to get it for the nostalgia factor. Plus who knows, maybe it’s part of a bigger exotic quest for an upgraded g-horn.

You might be wondering what you should do with all your old legendary weapons. Well, there’s a new option called “Infuse” that will let you feed old guns to your new Year Two ones to make them more powerful:


This is great, thank you!

The last exotic I need to collect. FUCKING. FINALLY.

I went to a club once.

Holy shit i loved this thank you

Illidan and the Taken King are like, the same dude.

Case and point: Flappy Bird.

I died.

Baseball and Soccer are both boring.

This looks awesome.

Yes I’m in the same boat, and I’m enjoying it a bit. However, I would suggest watching a youtube video explaining the back story of the game - it gives you a sense of the world you’re about to explore.

I like the tattoos

I’ll also add that I had her start her gaming on my NES, the d pas and A B buttons were easier to get her to understand.

My 5 year old is great at the xbox versions of Minecraft, and has also beat all the skylanders. I highly recommend minecraft to your 5 year old, there is a learning curve however - but eventually she will have that “Aha” moment of realizing how to control their avatar in first person.