This is like saying if you wear cloths you’re learning how to tailor.
This is like saying if you wear cloths you’re learning how to tailor.
Oh what the fuck is this guy talking about. Hammers into pickaxes? Also playing a game doesnt equal coding. Not by a long shot. You don’t even see the fuckin code WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT?
Healing dot (on yourself) when you land hits. For some reason I just got a funny image of my head of shooting yourself in the foot to heal.
cool, this will be my first Amiibo!
lol we all knew but I had to get it for the nostalgia factor. Plus who knows, maybe it’s part of a bigger exotic quest for an upgraded g-horn.
You might be wondering what you should do with all your old legendary weapons. Well, there’s a new option called “Infuse” that will let you feed old guns to your new Year Two ones to make them more powerful:
This is great, thank you!
The last exotic I need to collect. FUCKING. FINALLY.
I went to a club once.
Holy shit i loved this thank you
Illidan and the Taken King are like, the same dude.
Case and point: Flappy Bird.
I died.
Baseball and Soccer are both boring.
This looks awesome.
Yes I’m in the same boat, and I’m enjoying it a bit. However, I would suggest watching a youtube video explaining the back story of the game - it gives you a sense of the world you’re about to explore.
I like the tattoos
I’ll also add that I had her start her gaming on my NES, the d pas and A B buttons were easier to get her to understand.
My 5 year old is great at the xbox versions of Minecraft, and has also beat all the skylanders. I highly recommend minecraft to your 5 year old, there is a learning curve however - but eventually she will have that “Aha” moment of realizing how to control their avatar in first person.