
I would love a Red Blue remake!

I still don't understand why these guys get so heated about her and her work. As a man, human, and gamer I gotta say I'm ashamed of these douche-smoothies.

Haters gonna hate.

Yes but all of them were unarmed.

Nvm (:

Sigh, I'm just gonna leave this here.

Ahh, well honestly only the weekly strikes. If you arnt high enough level you wont be able to get into those. Here's a protip: At level 16 go do the black garden story mission, the sooner the better. Use the strangers rifle to carry you to 20, its the best weapon at lvl 16 and it will help you get to 20 easier. Once

I have 3 of these bad boys, one for each character. But i'm glad you posted this PSA, my clan mates were extremely happy when i linked to this article in clan chat! I fucking love Icebreaker.

Still go and buy it. Trust me.

For anybody who's just now gettin into the 3DS scene, you may want to pick one of these up:

I only played OOT, so i'm looking forward to getting this on 3ds. I may have missed it above, but did anybody catch if this will run on the "old" 3DS?

This is actually really cool!

I know that feel. I can always buy one for one of my kids tho. "For my kids"

Oh shut it. Don't click on this link to complain, there are plenty of people still playing Destiny religiously and we love these posts.

This was so great! Thank you for sharing. I can't stop smiling!

Thanks. She's also out of my league, I'm not sure how I pulled that off.

I agree. My wife got this for me for Christmas, I wasn't particularly excited to play it. But wow, I'm so glad I own it now. Such a good game, it's just plain fun!

Dude, c'mon.

Speaking of Halo5, wheres the Halo 5 beta posts?! I've been refreshing all morning to hear some of your opinions.