
I love how much they really need to rely on each other.

Actually, changing a 2d colormap is a lot easier than changing a 3d model.

Are you telling me they made that gif into a music video?

It’s pretty easy to tell the difference between someone that likes/liked the game but admits to it’s overwhelming flaws and someone who never liked the game from the start.

I’m confused as to why they seemed more concerned with using a fire hydrant improperly than DIYing a giant sewage soup.

Everyone is harping on the bugs. Catching pokemon is intentionally sabotaged, which I find much more pressing.

Robot Unicorn Attack proves that a game about only running forward can still be plenty fun. sonic just tried a lot of things that didn’t pan out.


IMO people are flipping shit over the wrong thing. Not being able to track pokemon correctly is a mistake. Pokemon escaping 80% once you hit level 20 is on purpose.

The three step bug was a bug.

But the more you level up, the harder they are to catch. So get what you need and get out.

I actually prefered occassionally reopening the app over playing without mitigating battery usage.

They also increased the animation time for pokemon breaking out of a pokeball. Which is so fun when it happens when you are at a level where it happens five times in a row on a low level mon you don’t even want.

How do you customize your avatar?

I think you have more of an argument in stealing from a movie that came out decades ago rather than a movie came out almost simultaniously.

omg that’s the guy from Faceoff!

I wouldn’t say it’s geared towards offense. Especially with Super Effective only being SLIGHTY better than a normal move (1.2x instead of 1.5x like the games). My Magneton failed to take down a Vaporeon with lower CP 8 times in a row. Ran out of potions and had to walk home.