
I think you just proved his point.

The one thing that humans still have (if they actually used it), is the ability to predict another drivers potential behavior and to be proactive. A good driver should be able to detect little nuances that people do, like noticing a driver in the next lane getting closer to your lane even for a bit. You should be able

As a cyclist, I’ve actually been excited about self-driving cars because how could they be as bad as human motorists? And now I see: just as bad, with their own cheerleading squad.

The answer to a dangerous automatic travel pod that tries to kill cyclists is… an automatic travel pod?

The scariest part is how quickly the driver turns to justifying what happened. That level of blind support for anything is a commentary on so much of what is happening around us... on either side of any issue.

Sorry, I couldn’t click on the link on account of giving this jerk more “views”. I now know for whom fully automatic travel pods should be created for. As a bicycle commuter, I really do think guy should in no way be trusted with a steering wheel.

Texas Mode engaged: Attack Cyclists

Two questions to FSD testers. Will Tesla pay for damages if FSD messes up? This is exactly the kind of situation where a radar/lidar unit would have been useful. How do you feel about Tesla deciding to rely purely on computer vision and taking radar out of their cars completely?

“I hit the brakes to the floor”
“Yeah, I can’t believe it didn’t stop”

Actual quote from the video. That is terrifying.

People willing to beta test my life are criminal.

Well if I’m to understand the commenters from last week regarding self driving running stop signs, Tesla has to allow the cars to hit stuff occasionally, because that’s what real drivers do.

People willing to beta test our lives is crazy” - fixed

That at least involves consent by the user. I never consented to walking or driving around this half-assed AI tech.

People willing to beta test their lives is crazy. 

I hope I die before the world is full of people who think as you do. 

Don’t forget I am still busy working on my Scrotum space ship. Just STFU and buy my shit please. (your friend Elon)

I will laugh my ass off when Teslas own insurance doesn’t allow the taxi functionality.

That earnings call was weird. I like how getting the 4860 up and running was a side note when it should have been the showcase. They claim that they are making them now, but where is the showboating of how much it is reducing costs and how the weight savings will translate to range. Also, it would appear that the

“The cost didn’t change.”

I think Volvo is going to beat them to this punch. It has been an attention getting conversation point for all this time though so there has been profit in it for Tesla.