
You have THREE BICYCLES?! How much money did THEY all cost?! You can only ride one at a time, Hipster...” — Mr. F250, probably.

People are fucking idiots.

and i bet this same bloke would criticise me for overspending on shoes lol.

I’d hazard a guess and say that nothing short of the supertruck F650 conversion would be up for the task

This could be an electric motorcycle range extender solution. Just carve a bit out of the top for Fido.

This should have been emphasised far more heavily.

Every day of my life as a car salesman:

It’s not ‘anxiety’ if you’re going somewhere you know you don’t have the range for.

It’s a simple idea, and renting instead of owning is the way to go here. I know several people with Zoes and they’re all happy with them.

I think a Heavy Duty Duallie would do the trick

I’m assuming there are eels involved?

If is true American way, it will be coal burning. hahaha

*Every dad that sees one of these on the road*

This is a pretty cool business model for vacationers.

Maybe a smaller second trailer!

Sure, my range anxiety is down now but my trailer anxiety just went up.

Then you will have to have another range extender to make up for the decreased range caused by towing this ranger extender around .

Maybe that will make everyone who hates EVs they’re not even going to buy anyway shut the fuck up about the...oh forget it.


I forgot how good every part of the Rivian, outside of the front, looks.