
Anyone consider that maybe the Teslas involved intended to accelerate on their own even if the driver didn’t. They may have heard Elon talking about autonomy and self driving and they set themselves free from the shackles of their programming.

If dirt or debris got on the sensor, the system would only be physically capable of producing less power, not more power

47 liters, 400 torques, 130 HP.

This must be a GM thing because my ‘98 Grand Prix did the same thing. I don’t use cruise control to this day.

Plus the whole “worker suicide” thing was like ten years ago. No one today working in a Foxconn factory was even born back then.”

Shoutout to the Chevy Cruze flooring it, trying their absolute hardest to avoid this debacle.  You wring out those 137 horses, dude!

Thats a really smart concept, more carrying capacity, better visibility for the driver when on the road....the turning and parking up visibility would be terrible and probably cause fatalities at drop offs.

How about you don’t be an idiot and watch the video; he pushes the car into the jersey barrier. Why would he cross into the breakdown lane and nearly hit the barrier himself if he didn’t know the car was there?

Old and badly designed trucks. Modern cabover designs do not have the same frontal blindspot. But, you know, Americans and buying cabover designs...

When push comes to shove, big-ass truck did both.

Toyota Levin already exists.

Just wait until the BRZ RS replaces the tS.

Lemme get my Nomex suit on here... one sec...

Wait what? the GT 86 didnt interest you because more than one company worked on it?

and then Subaru chickened out on the FUCKS

It’s outrageous that a car named the Great Six only has four cylinders.

Basically don’t be a dick,...

As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.