
I know people making $15/hr that buy cars around $25k or higher.

To be fair, by the time this engine makes 1000hp there wont be any BMW parts left.

Nuh uh.

“Still ugly tho”

The visible increase of pedestrians and bicyclists where I live cannot be attributed to DUIs alone.

And maybe, juuuuust maybe, the average person is now thinking: “well jeez, I’m still underwater on that 84 month car loan i had to take out to afford this base model Equinox, maybe i should hold onto it until it’s five or six years old...I definitely can’t afford any higher payments after all...”

That’s because people can’t afford new cars. We are in a depression. The “recovery” is a myth. Most of the new “jobs” are low-paying shit with no benefits, so it doesn’t count.

Senator: “We’d better cut the tax rate on capital gains again; that’ll get more of those poor people to start investing in equities.”

Wait, what? But the stock market is so strong!

How I read it.

Exactly! Stock prices may be up and executives may be getting fatter bonuses, but consumers and entry level employees can’t even keep up with inflation. Unless you have billionaires buying hundreds of Camrys each, then no, what were formally average Joe car sales are going to continue to dry up. Super car and top tier

Probably because we only have a strong economy on paper, on the ground it is shit. The economic figures have been massaged to make politicians look better for the polls, but on the ground it is insecure, low paid, and short term jobs which people need to work two or three at a time just to keep their heads above water.


Same with humans, why slap a year on them?  Virtually unchanged for centuries now.

Dealers are like, “OMG!!! We have 2018s in stock!” Meanwhile, Nissan and Dodge are still peddling 2008 models.

Spirit Airlines? They bought their tickets. They knew what they were getting into...

You could not be more wrong.

Riiiiiiiiiight, as if going oppressively dark with your wheel choice is any “better”:

Eh... i’m not a boomer and I like a good set of Chrome wheels.

That yellow Corvette looks awesome with those chrome wheels.