
Well as opposed to “raised left”, she certainly was raised right! Just, not when You mean right as a synonym for correct

Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?

Nope. Empathy develops in babies. Neumerous studies have demonstrated this fact. A teenager does not get a pass for cruelty.

As a fellow (male) teacher, I have to kindly advise to shut your ass up. School is not a job for these kids. Our students are not adults. If they want to dress in a way that makes them comfortable or happy, I’m all for it. If it offends your delicate sensibilities, I’m all the fuck for it even more.

True story: One of my friends from college told me one of his most vivid memories of middle school was the time he got a raging boner because of the way the girl he had a crush on was breathing. It was making her boobs go up and down.

Whatever it takes for him to stop hitting women.

I shared this last week, but I finally decided to go to law school, got a scholarship, committed to a school, and was pretty nerve-wracked about it. I haven’t told many people yet, just close family.

I’m getting pregnant just thinking about it!

Yep-abortion is worse than murdering your child because abortion is something mostly women do, while murdering your own child is more of a guy thing.

Fox News, keeps on, keeping on.

That’s fucking torture.

Every movie starring Mark Wahlberg.

Trump stuffed his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs, Big Oil execs, Telecom execs - all sorts of industry insiders. How the fuck can you possibly still be beating this drum?

Ha! This warms my cold, black heart. Today was a good day, with this and the Chaffetz news.

Remember, too, that half of his viewers helped put a guy who brags about grabbing women by the pussy into the White House.

I don’t wash my legs or my feet and I pee in the shower. IDGAF!

She should have been president...

Legally, you’re only allowed to brandish a weapon against law enforcement if they’re coming to confiscate your guns.

Have you guys seen pink fairy armadillos because you need to see pink fairy armadillos: