
It seems to me that many white men find the idea of privilege to be offensive to their sense of fairness. If you’re taught implicitly by society that everything goes both ways and everyone is created equal... and you just happen to dominate as a group, the suggestion that you are benefiting from conditions that you

I feel you. I already had my wedding in 2015 but it was us planning a wedding in the city I grew up in which was cheaper than where I live but still not cheap. We were forced 200 guests down our throats, a promised 10k to help that never materialized (because my MIL used it to throw events for our “wedding” that

I am wedding planning for 2017 and I am also sick of these trends. I only get my period every 2 months so it’s been impossible for me to collect enough menstrual blood to make my signature cocktail. 

Wait Dylann Roof was Muslim?

Bullshit. If Jama was a white women speaking French you wouldn’t give a shit. If she was a white women speaking Swahili you still probably wouldn’t have given a shit.

I don’t think there’s an epidemic of pedophiles as much as there is an epidemic of people who don’t want to rock the boat and so let a small number of serial predators escape justice time and time again.

Everyone with access to children needs to be monitored. I can’t count the number of “female teacher has sex with students” stories I’ve heard over the past few years.

I feel like there are a lot of ways to be a feminist, but as a general rule, if your way involves “mean-spirited discussion of another woman’s aging face and body” then you’re probably doing it wrong

Yep. I’m from East Oakland. My dad and brothers still live there. I am so sad these people lost their lives. I cannot, however, mourn from the perspective of ‘rising rents made this happen.’ Tech some, pay to play some, but all of it is 100% Gentrification. This neighborhood was predominantly Black since the 70s. Now

You’re talking about Derick Ion Almena, right? He wasn’t the landlord—he was the master tenant. I haven’t seen any mention of who actually owned the building; it probably was some Chinese investor who’d seen it once driving by.

Eh, it’s not for everyone. Makes one of my girlfriends really paranoid so it’s not her thing. Everything effects everyone differently.

This is good. This is reasonable and lively debate- may be the only way to ever reach people like her. Yelling at her and screaming “YOU BITCH YOU BITCH YOURE A RACIST FUCKWAD” will never make someone like Tami Tahren question how she views the world or change her opinions.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

Garnering just over 1.2 million votes, Jill Stein is arguably slightly less responsible for giving us Donald Trump

To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

I’m just so glad that I know all this now, before I watch the episode. Sometimes TV can be too enjoyable, and you just need a way to ruin it a little bit.

Yay! A spoiler! I’m so glad it was in the title :)