At this point in human history, I would just be happy if protests like this were for awareness of stuff like “The right side of the escalator is for standing, the left side is for walking” or “don’t use giant golf umbrellas on crowded city streets.”
That’s how it works. It’s difficult, but you can make money off smart people.
Also, beets. We would also have accepted Battlestar Galactica.
Reminds me of one the best exchanges from A Hard Day’s Night:
I don’t stand for the anthem anymore. At all.
If you’re upset about it, maybe you should be watching the flag, not me, dumbass.
Not work meetings. Ha. That would be fucking weird.
Going to a baseball game sunday. Should I remove all my clothing during the pledge so I don’t get beat up? What if I don’t show enough HEART when singing the words?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Unless one of the teams or athletes involved in the competition is wearing kit that says “USA”, the anthem has *no* place at sporting events.
You can actually recover from getting slammed head first into the ground.
Please. Can we not have these before every fucking event? It really minimizes the importance of the song & now everyone just hides in the concourse during the national anthem (like the troops used to do in my Army days when the song was played at retreat).
Yep. And I know it’s not PC, but not everyone sitting around you is even American. I work with a ton of foreigners (legally working here). What, we want the dude on on an H1B from Japan to pledge allegiance to the US? Dafuq?
Or, and just stay with me for a minute, he might be a white dude in a white state that is obsessed with a song and a flag versus you know, actual freedom
There IS a valid reason...
I was walking to my seat at Camden Yards, hat on, toddler and diaper bag in hands and the anthem started playing. Before I could let out a groan, this old Fox News patriot hag immediately smacked me on the back of the head and told me how offended she was that I wouldn’t remove my hat. She then proceeded to tell me…
You can’t spell “MONTANA” without “ON METHAMPHETAMINE”.
I was at an Indians game either last year or the year before and a dude started yelling at me to take off my sunglasses for the national anthem. I wish I was lying.
Not for nothing, national anthems are pretty ridiculous in the first place. Having to stand and honor it ahead of every sporting event (or say the pledge of allegiance before a meeting) is downright bizarre.
This guy clearly violated the terms of parole and they let him out without bail? At the very least this should trigger a new sentence hearing for his prior offense.