
You just triggered someone, and lefty’s are a bunch of cowards so of course they would key your car when you aren’t around.

Hmm Guess I will be having a closed casket funeral.

I have heard/read in a lot of places that M.Y. Is racist/sexist etc. I have looked in several places and I see he tries to offend but I have not seen him being directly racist or sexist. If you have any links or sources of him behaving this way it would be greatly appreciated.

You may be right, our economy has been walking along an abyss for a few years now. She may keep stumbling along or might trip. I still think sooner rather then later. But respect your opinion. I am hoping Trump does something to precipitate it so we can get it over with sooner rather then later.

Care to take a poke at the other questions?

Thank you for your honest answer.

I think he was trying to be fully neutral. But he had so much internal pressure(conservative agents) and external(liberal whitehouse) that he no longer knows which way is up anymore.

I think the 20% is a low estimate, our economy has been in trouble for awhile, a crash is imminent no matter who was elected. Real question is how it will be handled... If it like in the past with fed cutting interest rates/ massive QE then we can expect to see rampant inflation after a market devaluation and several

Ability should read inability sorry

Next crash will have a narrow window. Don’t know what will pop 1st but housing will among the 1st. Will have to act fast before QE goes into effect because then US currency will begin to de-value very rapidly(inflation) will be run away due to Feds ability to cut interest rates properly since they are already at

Not this time.....Though if you time it right then maybe right after a bubble pop/crash but before the fed starts QE

Better buy now it will be real bad inflation in the next crash. Don’t take my word for it just look at historical markers and the fact the only way the fed can fight a crash now is to implement QE and anytime we have sustained QE and historically low interest rates=inflation.

Economy is due for a large correction regardless of who was elected. The dollar will most likely crash because the fed has had historically low interest rates for a long time and any attempt to correct a market crash/bubble popping with QE will result in the bottom falling out on the dollar.

Lived in the bed of my truck for 5 months. Wasn’t so bad.

Sorry for grammar

I thought it was it was the 1st time they were that close to a real life girl....

I love art

May I ask a question ma’am? Please if this is too personal just say so, but what was your reason for aborting?

The Petri dish has a high likelihood of becoming a person but it is not yet realized/developed fully, the baby on the other hand is fully realized and developed. So the choice is you go with the sure thing, the baby. And the Petri dish you can just scoop back up and will still probably be ok:)

What makes a person a person? Is it free will? Is it the ability to self realize? Is it your choice when a fetus is just a mass of tissue or a future person? Should people who kill pregnant woman not be charged with the death of 2 people, and just the mother? I am not picking/trolling, I want to know when exactly you