Sinn ed

Exactly. That is why klansmen and hate groups music of choice is country western, metal and fox news

If he was a neanderthal, what does it change.

Attn lawyers: what is the loophole that would allow the accused to sue the accuser and the store? If they haven't made these types of police calls illegal, then other drastic measures are needed. 

Lactose intolerance - brought on by the consumption of another mammals milk. Dont ask God dumb questions.

You have to have a racist outlook, brain dumb and socially deaf players, and a fan base that overlooks it all.

Exactly. Me and mine will not support jordan. Wish Craig Rodgers had some shoes we could buy for $200 a pop

I wish for all ignorant and foolish black people to state their feelings for social injustices this clearly.

Think about what their insurance premium quote was.

And that's the whole problem, racist and their sainthood, reading scripture with tunnel vision eyes

La petite dejeuner - in case you haven't heard or been, it is a must. Creamy corn pancakes...yeah and regret not getting them the first 3 times, and those grits...

Yosemite style

He did, then he found out who stole his girls nail polish

Does this mean kids can run with scissors now

Goddamn. What the fuck does it mean for the lesser of two evils paying you attention.

Serena fine as hell! only listen to real black men next time.

It is not stealing when you require the purchaser to ring up the amount. Oh yeah, you paid me for my work at your establishment, ringing up my on damn groceries.

Not a diss. Straight up FACTS. If you choose to remain blind to this obvious farce, well hey, remain free to be ignorant.

Scary ass. Nnot for kids or wimps.

Did you buy weed from him

Thank you for sharing. It means a lot.